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Annoying Loggernet Problem

furban Nov 30, 2010 07:14 PM


Has anyone else seen this and/or have a solution to fix it? I don't know whether this is a Loggernet or Windows problem. Sometimes it happens every time I try to click on any button or feature and sometimes it is more sporadic. The error I post here is from the "connect" screen but it happens in the other modules as well.

With Loggernet running on Windows XP I repeatedly get the following pop-up message box whenever I try to click on a task, for instance "connect" or "collect data". It happens many times just when I mouse over the window and not always when I physically click the mouse.

Here is the error -

Access violation at address 00487DD4 in module 'connectscreen.exe'. Read of address 00000004

there is an option to click "OK" which I do and the box goes away until I try another task or mouse back over the application window.

Any help is much appreciated!

Dana Dec 1, 2010 05:04 PM

Are you connecting to the PC using VNC, LogMeIn, PCAnywhere or some other remote desktop application other than Windows Remote Desktop Connection?

If so, it is an issue associated with those remote applications and Delphi 2007 (which many of the LoggerNet clients are developed with). We currently have this logged as a known issue and will test to see if it is addressed in a newer toolset when we upgrade (which will not be in 4.1). You may be interested in this codegear thread, which discusses the problem:


One workaround is to use Windows Remote Desktop rather than one of the other aps.

Dana W.

jra Dec 1, 2010 07:37 PM


What version of LoggerNet are you running? Are you shutting LoggerNet down completely after the Access Violation? If not, you should do so and see if that reduces the incidence.

Keep us posted.

Grant Dec 2, 2010 10:22 AM

Interesting that I saw this problem for the first time earlier today.

The pop-up box came up twice, just cancelled out and it was al good

I was connecting to a remote site via the cell network (landline connected to PC) only happened on one of the sites out of eight. One of the eight is damn close to identical to the one that came up with the issue.

Running LoggerNet 4 and Vista

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