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CR1000 OS fixes for WindVector instruction

dberdes Nov 28, 2010 08:38 AM

In CR1000 OS 15, the following fix was made:

"Fix WindVector using aliases."

In CR1000 OS 19, the following fix was made:

"Fixed WindVector so that the default units of "Deg" is inserted correctly."

In CR1000 OS 21, the following fix was made:

"Fixed default units for WindVector."

What specifically (details and examples please) was done in each of the above OS fixes?

Thank you.

Bobfbks Nov 30, 2010 03:10 AM

I can't confirm until I update the OS on my loggers but it may be related to this feature/bug (a program chunk followed by a bit from a data file):

From the program:
Units WindSpeed()=meters / second
Units Wind_Direction = Degrees
' ...
WindVector (1,WindSpeed(1),Wind_Direction,FP2,False,0,0,0)

From the .dat retrieved by LoggerNet:

"TS","RN","meters / second","meters / second","meters / second"

Sam Dec 1, 2010 02:09 PM

I have not confirmed these assumptions, but ---

"Fix WindVector using aliases."

To me, this would mean that the WindVector instruction was not properly referencing memory locations that had been Aliased. For example, if you were using array and repetitions for reading two wind sensors, you might also alias those measurements to give them descriptive names:

Public WS(2)
Public WD(2)
Dim I

Alias WS(1) = WindSpd_3m
Alias WS(2) = WindSpd_10m
Alias WD(1) = WindDir_3m
Alias WD(2) = WindDir_10m

WindVector (1,WindSpd_3m,WindDir_3m,FP2,False,0,0,0)
WindVector (1,WindSpd_10m,WindDir_10m,FP2,False,0,0,0)

For I = 1 To 2
If WS(I)<0.21 Then WS(I)=0
Next I
For I = 1 To 2
If WD(I)>=360 OR WD(I)<0 Then WD(I)=0
Next I

"Fixed WindVector so that the default units of "Deg" is inserted correctly."


"Fixed default units for WindVector."

Would be similar bugs found related to the Bobfbks' comment that the table headers were not properly populated with the correct units. This would not have affected your measurements, just the meta data / table headers.

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