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Setting up Freewave radios to work with CR10X

Kenny Nov 21, 2010 01:30 AM


Does anyone have information on how to set up FGR-115RC Freewave radios to work with a CR10X and Loggernet 3.4?



kirving Nov 21, 2010 07:42 AM

It depends on what you want to do, but if you have two radios, one on the logger (with a SC932B or similar) and the other on a laptop, the simplest thing would be to configure the radios as a transparent serial connection. LoggerNet can just talk to the serial port, exactly as if you're using a serial cable.

Set the logger radio as a 'point-to-point slave' at 9600 baud, and the laptop radio as 'point-to-point master' (mode 0) at whatever baud rate you have LoggerNet set to. Enter the logger's radio number in the laptop radio's callbook, and set the 'entry to call' to that entry number.

In this configuration the radios will establish a connection whenever they're powered up. You'll need to hit the radio setup button to make any changes, e.g., to connect to a different slave radio and logger.

For a small network it may be possible to have the master radio in mode 6, 'point-to-point master/slave switchable', where it will respond to the "ATDTn" command to connect to entry n in the callbook. In LoggerNet, configure the connection as a 'generic modem', set the phone number to n, and hope for the best.

Kenny Nov 21, 2010 09:27 PM

Thanks a bunch, that worked perfectly the first time. I really appreciate the help.

Thanks again,


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