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Loggernet 4 freezes.

Mavada Nov 20, 2010 08:29 PM


Ive got a freezing problem with Loggernet 4 on my cr1000 datalogger with the latest firmware 21.
It happens always after a couple of hours...Nothing will update after the freeze. I have to shut Loggernet down and restart it, then it works fine again without loss of data...

sonoautomated Nov 22, 2010 05:52 PM

Hi Mavada,

Is it the LoggerNet Software that freezes up or the Logger? LoggerNet and the CR1000 run independently of one another. What computer operating system are you using? Has this always happened? Have you done any recent updates? We need more background information to help you..

AussieWeeties Jan 14, 2011 09:01 PM

Hi Mavada,

I also had a similar problem. Soon as I went from OS11 to OS21 I started experiencing logger freezing or program would appear to stop executing/scanning after a while.

I wonder if LN4.1 has a fix in it for this but I expect it would be a problem in the OS that is only sen when your program is doing certain things.

Mavada Jan 23, 2011 01:19 PM

I think it started with updating from std 19 to std 21.
I downgraded to std 20 but it still occurs...
Maybe downgrading to Loggernet 4.0?

Mavada Feb 5, 2011 11:14 AM

I thinkLoggernet freezes, not the logger.
After sometime (couple of hours) the clocks differ so much, it freezes...ive enabled automatic clock check, but that doesnt work...

sonoautomated Feb 7, 2011 03:45 PM


What OS are you running on your computer?
Does the computer clock keep up?
I've have had to replace the little battery on my motherboard to keep my clock up to speed.

Mavada Feb 7, 2011 04:01 PM

Im using Windows 7 64 bit.
i doesnt have to manually set the clock right, but i see the seconds sometimes go quiker to the next second (less than 1 second time)but in minutes and hours it runs fine. Very strange...

When i open the Loggernet troubleshooter while Loggernet is active, it shows sometimes in red: it has been 1 second since data has been collected.

i use a 1 second datacollection.

* Last updated by: Mavada on 2/7/2011 @ 9:04 AM *

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