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Datatable problems

SEWESA Nov 19, 2010 05:56 PM


I'm having a pretty strange problem with one of my datables.
Here is the syntax...

DataInterval (0,1,Day,10)
Sample (1,clk(9),fp2)
Maximum (1,AirTempF,FP2,False,True)
Minimum (1,AirTempF,FP2,False,True)

Now when I collect the data from this table I am getting this.. (viewing with Notepad)
"TS","RN","","Deg F","Deg F","Deg F","Deg F"
"2010-11-19 00:00:00",0,322,46.1,"2010-11-18 12:44:27",41.62,"2010-11-18 22:47:18"

However on this datatable which is set up the same way

DataInterval (0,1,Hr,10)
Sample (1,clk(9),fp2)
Maximum (1,AirTempF,FP2,False,True)
Minimum (1,AirTempF,FP2,False,True)

I get this type of output (which is the output I desire)

Any ideas as to what might be happening?

Thanks for any help

jtrauntvein Nov 19, 2010 09:00 PM

The format of data files written as a result of collecting data from CR1000 tables is governed by the "Output Format" field in the setup screen and is set on a per-table basis. You need to select the "Array Compatible CSV" option for each table that you want to output this format.

SEWESA Nov 22, 2010 06:23 PM

Thanks jtrauntvein,

I went through all of my data tables and set them to "Array Compatible CSV" formate.

Question though...will this take effect immediately or do I need to do something after I set this option?

Thanks for the help.

jtrauntvein Nov 22, 2010 07:26 PM

The changes that you made will be applied for any data that is collected after you applied the changes. It will not collect the format of data that has already been collected.

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