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RTMC Version question

ckennard Nov 16, 2010 01:05 PM

I've been running our weather server (Logger net version 4) using the standard RTMC development software (now version V3.2.0.94 but I think that's changed from when I created the file) and its worked fine. I recently installed the Pro version (version V3.2.0.94). I've just changed the file accessed by the webserver using the standard RTMC dev software (not the pro) and its sent a message saying it had been created in a newer version (I didn't do any type of upgrade to the basic software as far as I can tell - did installing the Pro version also update the standard software?). I then kept getting a message saying the file was now read only and I can no longer access the server's webpages via the web although they work fine and connect to the server in the RTMC Run-time viewer. Are my software versions incompatible or is another problem?

ChipsNSalsa Nov 17, 2010 09:46 PM

When you installed RTMC Pro your Standard Development and Run-time were also updated to I'm not sure what's holding the project file open (read only)

Try this... reboot your computer and after rebooting make sure no RTMC products are running. It sounds like you've already opened your project in the new Standard Developer and saved it. It also sounds like you're using RTMC Web Server and RTMC Web Server is complaining about the version that created the project file. Download the RTMC Web Server patch from our web site and install it. Run the updated RTMC Web server with the project and see if it still complains. It shouldn't.

If I misinterpreted your situation let me know.

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