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heat pump monitoring

RJ Feb 11, 2009 06:31 PM

Hi everyone!
I've been doing field monitoring of residential space-heating and domestic water heating heat pumps for several years, using Campbell and other loggers. I've tested both air-source and geothermal heat pumps. My clients are generally electric utilities (IOUs and Co-ops) who want to gain experience with new, unfamiliar-to-them, or yet-unproven heat pump technologies.
I've learned some lessons over the years about measuring power, air temperature (it's not necessarily the constant across a duct), and air flow in cramped ducts.
I've always emphasized economy of measurement -- every data point should contribute to an Executive Summary-level result.
I will be glad to share experiences with others who have monitored heat pumps, and learn from you, too.
Russ Johnson
Johnson Research LLC

* Last updated by: RJ on 2/11/2009 @ 11:33 AM *

Robbin Feb 27, 2013 07:25 PM

Russ, I am starting a project on heat pump monitoring and I am wondering how you went about collecting power data with the CS equipment.

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