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no communication with CR800 datalogger

Jamstro Nov 15, 2010 03:22 AM


I am having connection problems between my PC and CR800 datalogger. I have tried connecting with both PC200W and device configuration and niether have connected. The CR800 is linked to my PC by a USB serial port-Com6. I have connected to the datalogger in the past. Not sure what changed.

The error message I recieved is
CR800Series","W","transaction failure","timed out or resource error","Get Logger Program Status"


CR800Series","F","transaction failure","timed out or resource error","check/set clock"

I changed the pakbus address of the datalogger and the global pakbus address for the computer.


Dana Nov 15, 2010 04:39 AM

Are there other errors as well?

What did you change the PakBus addresses to, both on the datalogger and on the PC?

Are you connecting the cable to the port marked RS232? What baud rate are you attempting connection at? Did you make changes to the baud rate setting on the datalogger?

One thing you can try is using DevConfig, but selecting the Unknown device. It will try a few different protocols in an attempt to connect.

Dana W.

Jamstro Nov 15, 2010 07:49 PM

That is the only error message I'm recieving

The PakBus address for the datalogger I changed to 3369 and the PC I've changed back to 1.

I have connected the cable to the CS/IO and the baud rate is 115200, which I haven't changed since the start.


Dana Nov 15, 2010 09:59 PM

The PC's PakBus address should be greater than 4000. In a PakBus network, all devices must respond to a request from a device with an address in the range of 4000 to 4094. The following defaults are used in our software:

LoggerNet 4094
PC400 4093
PC200W 4092
PConnect/PConnectCE 4091
RTDAQ 4090
DevConfig 4089

Normally, these are not changed unless there is a valid reason to do so.

The first thing to do is change PC200W's address back to the default of 4092.

Dana W.

MCTT Nov 25, 2010 04:49 PM

you can do a few things

1. Try to change baud rate.

2. Replace Rs232 to USB Convert.

Nguyen Van Hung

Jamstro Dec 3, 2010 02:08 AM

I changed the baud rate and have USB convert and still no luck. Here is the error message I recieved.

"PakBusPort","F","PakBus framing error","Invalid low level signature"
"CR800Series","F","transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status"
"CR800Series","F","transaction failure","unreachable destination","GetVariable"
"CR800Series","F","transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock"

Skipper Dec 3, 2010 02:40 PM

Are you plugging in directly into the CS I/O port? Or do you use a converter (SC32B)?

jtrauntvein Dec 4, 2010 01:43 AM

The "PakBus Framing Error" is a report on the event where LoggerNet receives data from the link that can't be verified to be a part of a PakBus packet. There are two or three reasons generally why this can occur:

- The datalogger program or its settings are configured to write data on the port on which you are attempting to connect. If this were the case, Skipper's suggestion of using an SC32B is a good one.

- There is a mismatch in baud rates between your computer serial port and the datalogger. This can cause the computer UART to clock in what appear to be garbage bytes (generally FF or 00 hex). Generally when this occurs, there are accompanying fault messages in the comms log for the serial port that would report a serial framing error" or, perhaps, a buffer overflow.

- The link, for various reasons, can drop sequences of characters from transmissions. I have seen this happen in the past if the CPU on the computer is so loaded that it has a hard time processing serial interrupts in a timely fashion and I have also seen this happen in the case of poorly written USB drivers for the device.

Of these three possible causes, the one that feels most likely is that the UART or the USB driver are dropping received characters. Possible suggestions if this is the case:

- Check to see if there is an updated driver for you USB/RS232 adapter.

- Determine whether there are processes that are loading down your CPU. This can be done by using the windows task manager.

- Use a slower baud rate to try communication with the CR800.

* Last updated by: jtrauntvein on 12/3/2010 @ 6:44 PM *

Jamstro Dec 7, 2010 07:53 PM

I have been plugging directly into the CS I/O port. My CPU usage is low and I updated my USB/RS232 adapter. I was able to connect to the device configuration this time but not the PC200W.
I recieved the error message-
"PakBus framing error","Invalid low level signature"
"PakBus framing error","Invalid low level signature"
"PakBus framing error","Invalid low level signature"
"PakBus framing error","Invalid low level signature"
"transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status"
"transaction failure","unreachable destination","GetVariable"
"transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock"

Skipper Dec 7, 2010 08:45 PM

Is there a reason you are connecting to the CS I/O port instead of the datalogger's RS232 port? You can plug directly into the RS232 port to communicate, but that is not so with the CS I/O port.

In order to communicate through the CS I/O port, you need to use an SC32B interface, which is a separate device that plugs into the CS I/O port and into your 9-pin usb-to-serial cable.

Jamstro Dec 8, 2010 05:05 PM

I have tried to connect to the RS232 port and have recieved the same error messages.

I can connect to an unknown source on device configuration but cannot connect to CR 800 datalogger. Still cannot connect to PC200W either.

Cannot find pakbus address, is the error message for device configuration. The pakbus address I have for device configuration is 4089. The computers global pakbus address is 4092. The datalogger pakbus address is 25.

Any ideas?

* Last updated by: Jamstro on 12/15/2010 @ 1:20 PM *

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