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Communication RS232-balance

Berni Nov 10, 2010 08:09 AM

in advance, sorry for my english...

I am using a CR1000 datalogger to register string data of weight in a balance.

I added the commands as follow, in the .CR1 program, can you say me if it is correct?

Public InString As String * 15

DataTable (Balan,True,-1)
DataInterval (0,1,Min,0)
Sample (1,InString,String)

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
SerialIn (InString,Com1,10," +",15)
CallTable (Balan)

I record this symbols “RxccccRxccccRxcccc cccc”

Hope this helps,

* Last updated by: Berni on 11/10/2010 @ 10:55 AM *

Sam Nov 10, 2010 02:57 PM


We won't be able to help without know more about the balance. We'll need:
* Product spec sheet
* Product manual
* A log of the incoming serial data in both ASCII and binary format.

The spec sheet and manual I'm sure you already have and could share links to those.

For logging the incoming serial data, the easiest thing to do is to use Device Configuration Utility. Assuming that COM1 really should be opened at 9600 baud, Odd parity, one stop bit, 7 data bits:

* Connect your scale to COM1 (C1/C2 pair)
* Connect your computer to the logger via RS232 or CSI/O port
* Open Device Configuration Utility
* Select Device Type "Unknown"
* Click Connect
* Click Start Export
* Select / create a new file to save the data to, e.g. "terminal.txt"
* In the Terminal Window, hit enter a few times to get the "CR1000>" prompt
* Type H [Enter] to see all the available commands
* Type W [Enter] because we want to "watch" COM1
* Type 9 [Enter] to select COM1
* Hit [Enter] at timeout prompt
* Type Y [Enter] at the ASCII(Y)? prompt
* Trigger the scale to output 4 or 5 records of data
* Press ESC or hit [Enter] a few times to exit W mode and get back to the CR1000> prompt
* Type W [Enter] because we want to "watch" COM1 again
* Type 9 [Enter] to select COM1 again
* Hit [Enter] at timeout prompt
* Type N [Enter] at the ASCII(Y)? prompt. We are answering "NO we don't want ASCII, we want binary"
* Trigger the scale to output 4 or 5 records of data
* Press ESC or hit [Enter] a few times to exit W mode
* Click "End Export"
* Call CSI and have the exported file ready to send.

* Last updated by: Sam on 11/10/2010 @ 11:08 AM *

Berni Nov 10, 2010 05:36 PM


Modelo: Scaltec SSH91 (scaltec.com).
Format: 9600 baud, one stop bit, 7 data bits.

I have followed the steps, but when:
“In the Terminal Window, hit enter a few times to get the "CR1000>" prompt”

does not appear "CR1000>" ¿?

As follow.



jra Nov 10, 2010 05:59 PM


Also, take a look at this application note:


Sam Nov 10, 2010 06:08 PM


Please call our office and ask for Sam x839. I can walk you through it.


Berni Nov 12, 2010 10:26 AM

finally working properly.


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