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Timestamp Memory usage?

EthanGutmann Oct 27, 2010 06:01 PM

Can anyone tell me how much memory a standard CR1000 timestamp uses? I know it is output as a ~19 byte string, but is it stored internally that way, or is it stored internally as a long (e.g. seconds since 1990).


jtrauntvein Oct 27, 2010 08:48 PM

The standard time stamp for the CR1000 is 8 bytes long (four bytes for seconds since 1990 and four bytes for nanoseconds into the second.

ChipsNSalsa Oct 27, 2010 08:59 PM

Check out section "DataInterval () Instruction" of the CR1000 manual (http://www.campbellsci.com/documents/manuals/cr1000.pdf) for a fairly detailed description of how time stamps are stored in the datalogger.

EthanGutmann Oct 27, 2010 10:11 PM

I had tried reading through the DataInterval section earlier, and was still confused. That section implies that the datalogger is using 1k/frame, but I don't quite understand what a frame is (I'm writing to the table every 3.5seconds, and it doesn't fill up in ~4 hours as it would if it were writing 1k each time). The relationship between these 1k frames and a record in the datalogger doesn't seem to be spelled out anywhere in the manual.

I'm writing 2 ints and an IEEE float each 3.5 second interval and trying to figure out how long it will last. If it is only storing 8 bytes for the time stamp (and another 4? 8? for the record number) than it should last about a week.

So if I don't use the datainterval() command, but just use

'time dimensioned to (1)

Can I save both the record number and the 4 bytes for the milliseconds?

I have a 2GB module on order, but dang, 4MB is frustrating.

Dana Oct 28, 2010 03:18 AM

A frame is just a "chunk" of data in a data table. So, for about every 1K of data that is stored, a timestamp will be stored with it (if data Interval is not used).

One of the simpler ways to get an idea of how long it will take for a data table to fill up is to open LoggerNet's Connect window, click the Station Status button, and view the Table Fill Times tab.

Dana W.

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