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RTMC 3.2

DownerNZ Oct 15, 2010 01:20 AM

I have recently upgraded to RTMC Pro 3.2 and have noticed a problem when grouped components are enabled to output/snapshot to a file...

I have grouped a 'Text Label', 'Time Label' and a 'No Data Alarm' with the 'No Data Alarm' ordered to back of the group. The no data alarm is to display a solid red block under the text and time labels that have been set with a transparent background. This displays correctly in the runtime and operates as expected. However the outputted PNG component file appears to only show the 'No Data Alarm' layer. It's as if that component has been re-order to the front of the group.

The snapshot output of this component worked correctly in RTMC Pro 3.1.

I've tried to re-order the three components and re-group with no improvement. Change the output setting to capture the full screen as opposed to individual components and the layer outputs correctly. Unfortunately I need the individual components exported.

Any thoughts?


DownerNZ Feb 14, 2011 06:34 AM

Still haven't found a fix for the above RTMC 3.2 bug where grouped layers don't create usable png/jpeg files..

Also have found a few other bugs & areas that could do with improvements:

•Bar graphs using series with different data intervals get squashed together leaving bars the width of a line, regardless of bar width setting!

•Marks (Set to 'display when clicked') require pixel accuracy to be clicked to display.

•Marks (Set to 'always on') - would be good if they hide/disappear when 'zoom to all' is active.

•Please bring back a time-out (restore) after a chart has been zoomed in or dragged?

•If an incomplete data record from a data table is read into RTMC Pro it causes an unexpected application error and quits. A warning message would be better?

Looking forward to 3.3 Pro!

Thanks again,

ChipsNSalsa Feb 14, 2011 07:07 PM

I can't duplicate the Snapshot issue you described. I too have a Label and a Time component set to transparent overlaying a No Data Alarm set to a red.gif when on and a transparent.gif when off. All three components are surrounded by a Group Box. What I see in Run-time when the alarm is on is what I get in the PNG output.

The bar graph issue you noted is real and has been noticed before. The bars generally do show up if they are all set to 100% width, but that may not be the look you're after. The chart component is a third-party component and the problem has been reported to the vendor.

Marks set to "show if clicked" don't quite require a pixel accuracy click to display. However, I'll add the desire to specify a hot-zone size to our issue tracking database.

I'll also add the desire for marks set to 'always on' would be more useful if they hide/disappear when 'zoom to all' is active. This one may not be practical.

I believe the zoom timeout you refer to was simply the chart zooming out to 'all data' when a new data point was drawn. Most users didn't like that because they were forcefully pulled away from what they were trying to focus in on. However, I'll add a zoom timeout feature request to our issue tracking database.

Concerning the incomplete data record causing an unexpected application error. We've gone to great lengths to make RTMC tolerant of malformed data. If you have a specific example that RTMC doesn't tolerate please post it.

As far as reporting and resolving issues, it's probably best if you contact Campbell Scientific directly via phone or email. This is a community forum and issues reported here may slip through the cracks before a Campbell employee notices them. You're welcome to send them to me: gelyon at campbellsci.com

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