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CR1000 Communication troubles

EthanGutmann Oct 12, 2010 06:50 PM


I usually communicate with the CR1000 via the rs232 port, and I accidentally opened that serial port in a program with a non-pakbus compliant format - (odd parity/1-stop bit/8-databits) 1200baud. Now I can't connect to the datalogger, is there anyway to hard reset it back to factory settings? I don't care if I lose the data on it.

I've tried connecting via an optical isolator to the CS I/O port and that worked once, I uploaded a new program (that didn't open the rs232 port, but didn't reset it to a "normal" format either). Now I can't connect over CS I/O either.

I've tried the Campbell Device Config utility, no luck there either.


kirving Oct 12, 2010 07:03 PM

I use the CR1000 rs232 ports frequently in non-pakbus mode, and have never seen one get 'stuck' like you describe. If you connect with a terminal program (minicom, hyperaccess, etc.) and just hit the enter key for a while, the logger should emit the terminal-mode prompt, e.g.,
CR1000>. As far as I know, the port autobauds, and other than using odd parity (usually I use no parity) your settings don't look bad. Maybe there's some other problem, e.g., with cables or connectors?

EthanGutmann Oct 12, 2010 07:15 PM

That's good to know (albeit perhaps more worrisome.)

I've connected with the same cable to another serial instrument, and had no problem reading data from it, so I don't think the serial cable is the problem (I suppose you never know though, I'll try another set up when co-workers get back from lunch).

I just tried connecting via hyperterminal and get nothing after hitting enter for a while (30+ times).

I just found the CR1000 documentation saying that it can be reset on power-up by connecting a flash card, I'm going to look into that now (I think someone here has a flash connector... I hope).


jra Oct 12, 2010 07:24 PM


Make sure your software is set for connection at 1200 baud.

If all else fails and you really don't mind starting over then you can send an operating system to the CR1000. Use the Device Config Utility but don't try to connect. Select the Send OS tab then follow the directions on the screen. You will need to power cycle the CR1000.

You can get the latest OS from our web site under Support and Downloads.

Let us know if you have other questions.

EthanGutmann Oct 12, 2010 07:38 PM

Thanks, That is what I was looking for, but... I just tried uploading a new OS, and it sat for a long time at "Waiting for synch byte" then eventually popped up a window indicating that it couldn't connect.

I did this using the latest OS (downloaded just prior to running), connected the rs232 (USB to serial) cable, clicked start, selected the OS and hit OK, plugged power into the datalogger, waited...

I'm going to go try this again with another computer & cable.


EthanGutmann Oct 12, 2010 09:11 PM

I tried reloading the OS with another coworker, computer, serial cable, and power cable to no avail. I also tried connecting via a perl script that a coworker had written, no luck there either.

I don't think we have a flash drive in house, so trying to reload the OS that way may not be an option. Is there a chance the rs232 port is fried somehow? Is the CS IO port connected through the same chip/ASCI as the rs232 port?

Am I stuck sending this back for repairs if possible?


kirving Oct 12, 2010 09:21 PM

I don't know how the CS I/O port is connected, but I'd try connecting through it using the appropriate dongle (e.g., SC232B maybe) or a keypad if you have either. Otherwise it sounds like a repair candidate to me.

EthanGutmann Oct 12, 2010 09:26 PM

I tried connecting via an SC232 initially, and had some success yesterday, but today it won't do anything.

Thanks for the help, I'll try contacting campbell support directly.


furban Oct 13, 2010 06:04 PM


Frank Urban here.. few things.. I would try the OS send mentioned by Janet and see if you can find computer to do this without a USB/Serial converter... a straight rs232 connection but it sounds like that also has probably been tried.

I do have a flash card module here that you are welcome to experiment with. Otherwise, it sounds like a repair to me.. I'm in town tomorrow through sunday, going in the field on Monday.

EthanGutmann Oct 13, 2010 06:07 PM

Hey Frank,
Thanks I've been in touch with campbell directly, turns out the 5v power supply is probably damaged (verified by reading the 5v level with a volt meter). They use it to power communications, thus communications don't work. No idea if there is actually something else wrong, but that would seem like the culprit.

Enjoy the field work, I'm headed up to Niwot right now :)

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