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Does LNDB support the SQLserver 2000?

dujt Oct 9, 2010 03:01 AM

I have ordered one disk of LNDB, I know it supports the Version of SQLSERVER 2005 and SQLserver 2008,but I am not familiar with them,what I'm familiar is SQLserver2000, I want to know ,does it support or not?

Dana Oct 10, 2010 11:37 PM

I don't think we have done any testing on SQL Server 2000. Microsoft stopped their mainstream support of the product in April of 2008 -- we typically take our cues from them on support for their products, since very often development tool vendors do as well.

LNDB relies on the .net framework. Because it was first released in 2002, there may be incompatibilities (or it might work just fine...).

Sorry I can't be more conclusive.

Dana W.

dujt Oct 11, 2010 01:47 AM

Ok,thanks,I am using the 2005 now,it runs well.

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