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ATT Text message

sinusoid Oct 6, 2010 08:17 PM

Has anyone been able to use the EMailSend command to send themselves a text message on an AT&T iphone? I am using a Raven modem and it walks you through how to send on via Verizon, but I am lost on how to send one via AT&T.

tmecham Oct 7, 2010 11:32 AM

I know the format for the To: email address is


Don't use any separators

Example: 4351112222@txt.att.net

* Last updated by: tmecham on 10/7/2010 @ 5:32 AM *

sinusoid Oct 7, 2010 06:50 PM

The Raven is setup via a SC105 on the CS I/O-SDC7 port, as the RS232 port is being used by another instrument. I have tried sending it to other addresses as well, with no luck. Here is the code I have been using...

EmailResult = EMailSend ("smtp.vzwmail.net","#####@vtext.com,######@tmomail.net, #####@txt.att.net","CarbonGroup","Too Cold",Message,"","username","password",Result)

The result I have gotten continuously has been "Failure to Connect" (or something similar to that. Is it trying to send the e-mail via the RS232 port? Is there a way to change this if it is?

* Last updated by: sinusoid on 10/7/2010 @ 2:23 PM *

jtrauntvein Oct 7, 2010 08:17 PM

EmailSend() uses TCP to connect to the mail server and deliver the message. To use this with the SC105/Raven combination on SDC7, you will need to configure the PPP stack to use the CS/IO SDC7 port (this can be done with the device configuration utility). Without a functional TCP/IP stack, the emailsend() instruction will not be able to work.

sinusoid Oct 7, 2010 08:23 PM

We have done that already, by following the Raven manual and swapping out the SDC7 with the RS232 port. We also configured the CS I/O port and the SC105 to operate at 115.2 fixed.

Is that all I needed to do, or are the additional steps?

Mikey Nov 23, 2011 12:01 AM

i think he is referring to the idea of configuring the RAVEN itself in ppp mode in order to get it to send the email. it isn't a baud rate issue or a com port issue. it is something you will have to configure on the Ace manager in order to get the raven to power up in ppp mode.

Intermountain Env

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