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Problem connecting to CR1000

Maria Oct 6, 2010 12:27 AM

I am trying to connect to a CR1000 using EZSetup and a USB/RS232 cable and I get the errors below. Any help would be aprpeciated.

transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock

The COM port and everything seems alright:

Datalogger Information
Datalogger Name: CR1000
Datalogger Type: CR1000

Direct Connect Connection
COM Port: COM10

Datalogger Settings
Baud Rate: 115200
PakBus Address: 1
Security Code: 0
Extra Response Time: 0s
Max Time Online: 0d 0h 0m

Skipper Oct 6, 2010 01:42 PM

Can you connect through Device Configuration? If you can do that, you'll know that the com port is correct, and you can verify the PakBus Address.

rodriguezgfa Mar 9, 2011 04:21 PM

I have the same problem of Maria, but I compile the DevConfig but the software search and search and this not found the device.

jtrauntvein Mar 9, 2011 05:52 PM

This could be a result of a hardware problem (either in the logger or the PC serial port or the port driver). It could be caused by power supply or grounding problems on the datalogger. It could also be an issue of how port is configured on the datalogger. It is possible for the datalogger RS232 port to be configured at a fixed baud rate other than 115200. If that is the case, the results would match yours exactly.

I have also seen cases where the datalogger is set up for auto-baud detection (which is the default for the RS232 port) and has been set up at 9600 baud and, if the PC attempts to communicate at 115200 baud, the datalogger fails to detect the serial framing error (a serial frame sent at 115200 baud will fit pretty much inside the time occupied by one bit at 9600 baud).

The device configuration utility, under its "Unknown" device type, has an "Identify Logger Type" button. This button will attempt to identify the device type and/or protocol used for the datalogger and will attempt to do so at various baud rates. If the datalogger is synched to a different baud rate or is set up at a fixed baud rate, this feature may well give you the means of determining what baud rate should be used for successful communication.

As a last resort, assuming that there is not a hardware or power supply issue, you could also reflash the OS into the datalogger. By doing so, however, all settings, data, and programming will be wiped out.

rodriguezgfa Mar 9, 2011 07:45 PM

is necessary that the datalogger is connected the ground? because i'm tests

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