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PC400 problem - no program examples from help

hkleta Feb 3, 2009 08:47 AM


I've just installed a brand new delivered version of PC400 (version 1.5) with CRBasic editor (Version 2.8) on my XP notebook.

When I go to the help (right side of the screen) and let me show the help of any function, I am not able to get a program example shown.
When I click on the Example link, I just get

> Internet Explorer-Skripterror
> There was an error in this script on this page.
> Line: 1
> Character: 1
> Error: The Object does not support this attribute
> or method.
> Code: 0
> URL: mk:@MSITStore:C:\Campbellsci\Lib\CRBasicDelFiles\CRBasic.chm::/WordDocuments/tga_1.htm

(sorry for the rough translation from german...)

I can click on yes or no on that message, but nothing happens...

My first guess is that there is something not installed correctly on my notebook that PC400 needs, but that is not checked while installation and / or delivered on the CD...

Any hint is highly appreciated, thanks in advance,


Dana Feb 3, 2009 06:53 PM

I would suspect your security settings in IE (which is used to display the help file), is not allowing the script to run.

As a work-around, search for the instruction name in the Search Tab, and you will see (at least) three entries for each instruction -- one for the "Main help" (the page you're trying to jump from), one that is a condensed version for the F1 "popup" help, and the example program.


Dana W.

hkleta Feb 3, 2009 07:19 PM


first of all: Thanks for the answer.

Which setting do I need to change?
Why isn't that done by the PC400 setup?
What do you do with users without the IE?

The work-around you mentioned is what I am doing at the moment, but it's a real nuisance!

To be honest: I expect the system to work without such work-arounds...

So I would be happy to get hints how to get that lovely IE to do what CRBasic wants it to do.

Thanks in advance,


Dana Feb 4, 2009 06:36 PM

Hello Henry,

As far as I know, you are the first to report having this issue. So... I am not quite sure what settings you will need to change -- I would start by making sure there are no security restrictions to running javascript or other scripts. In IE you can look at Tools | Internet Options | Custom Level. Scroll down and find Java VM, and make sure this is not set to Disable Java. It could also be your virus checker stopping the loading of scripts -- it is hard to tell since it is not something I can reproduce nor have we seen other reports of it.

Even if we knew exactly what settings needed to be changed, we would never put anything in an installation that would change security settings on a user's computer.

All Windows computers have IE installed. A user can remove IE, but if they do, none of the HTMLHelp (CHM) files on their computer will work. Most applications' help files these days are CHM or flat HTML files, so it wouldn't be only CRBasic help that wouldn't work if IE were not present.


Dana W

Dana Feb 4, 2009 06:50 PM

Hello again, Henry,

Try editing your registry with the following (I found it by "googling" -- there's not a lot out on this error. The two references I found were both problems in Microsoft's MSDN's CHM files):

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{ADB880A6-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000000

There referenced thread is here:




hkleta Feb 4, 2009 07:25 PM


I love to be the only one with such a behaviour :-/

But now it works!

None of the IE settings helped, but the registry edit you suggested did it!


Best regards,


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