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RM Young 81000 v/s serial port CR1000

jelguetacenma Sep 23, 2010 09:31 PM

HI, i tried to connect a 81000 anemometer using serial output to a CR1000 logger. Anybody have a program to do this?

febrama Apr 19, 2011 09:15 PM

Hello, I have a program to connect that anemometer with CR1000 through diff channel. Do you still need it?

febrama Apr 19, 2011 09:15 PM

Hello, I have a program to connect that anemometer with CR1000 through diff channel. Do you still need it?

dsclimate Nov 18, 2015 06:48 AM

Hi Febrama,

Could you please help me by providing program and connection details for RM 81000 with CR1000 in SDM mode?
When I am recording voltage outputs in serial mode, I can not measure only wind speed. But how to measure u,v,w components of winds seperately?

Please help.

* Last updated by: dsclimate on 11/22/2015 @ 12:31 AM *

dsclimate Nov 20, 2015 11:45 AM


I need your kind suggestion for measuring u,v,w wind from RM 81000 anemometer voltage outputs in CR1000.
I have changed the voltage o/p setting to output format one (i.e. u,v,w, sonic temp) using hyper terminal.

However, u,v,w reading are not giving correct values, but, sonic temp is giving correct value.
I am using the following main program in CRBasic for calculation of u,v,w,SonicT
Main Program
'Scan sensors every 100 msec

'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:
'Wiring Panel Temperature measurement RefTemp:

'RM Young Sonic Anemometer (81000)
'Turn on sensor via control port
PortSet (9 ,1 )
Delay (0,1,mSec)

'Measure Uwind in mV (0-5000mV range)
VoltDiff (Uwind,1,mV5000,1,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
'Convert windspeed mV to m/s

'Measure Vwind in mV (0-5000mV range)
VoltDiff (Vwind,1,mV5000,2,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
'Convert windspeed mV to m/s

'Measure Wwind in V (0-5000mV range)
VoltDiff (Wwind,1,mV5000,3,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
'Convert windspeed mV to m/s

'Measure Sonic temperature in mV
VoltDiff (SonicT,1,mV5000,4,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
'Convert temp mV to celsius

'Turn off sensor via control port
PortSet (9,0)

'Call Data Tables and Store Data

Could you please help me further to measure correct u,v,w value from RM young 81000? I am using differential connection.

I would appreciate your kind concern.

* Last updated by: dsclimate on 11/22/2015 @ 12:32 AM *

pokeeffe Nov 20, 2015 09:07 PM

The serial data stream is a better choice since it avoids DAC<->ADC noise and can provide error detection data. Also, having bidirectional communication is worth the upfront investment when you need to remotely troubleshoot the device.

I'm using a 81000VRE + CR3000, which is essentially the same as your setup. You're welcome to review the program source code, which is subject to The MIT License (open-source).

* Sonic config: https://bitbucket.org/patricktokeeffe/sampler-rea-lt-canister/src/master/config/sonic.txt
* Program: https://bitbucket.org/patricktokeeffe/sampler-rea-lt-canister/src/master/datalogger/default.cr3

The sonic must be configured following `sonic.txt`. Relevant line numbers (at time of this post) in `default.cr3` are 39, 86-90, 118-130, 520-528, 1014, and 1057-1060.

I've archived each of these pages at archive.org since I expect the links to rot fairly rapidly. EDIT: also, that preserves the line number references.

* Last updated by: pokeeffe on 11/20/2015 @ 2:09 PM *

dsclimate Nov 22, 2015 07:33 AM

Dear Pokeeffe,

thank you very much. I will look into it.


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