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RTMC averag 24 hour display

ckennard Sep 17, 2010 10:37 AM

I've just installed RTMC and set up a graphical display using the standard components which works fine. However, we need to display the average values from 9am to 9am the per day and the minimum and maximum values.

It looks to me like this can be done with expressions but I've never used those before and have no idea how to do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? We're using a CR10X station.

tmecham Sep 23, 2010 06:10 PM

This is really easy with the new RTMC Pro v3.2 reporting features. Using the Report Range control, you can specify a 1 day interval from 9AM. Then you can use the basic MaxRun, MinRun and AvgRun to calculate max, min, and avg values based on the interval.

ckennard Sep 24, 2010 08:11 AM

Where do I find the Report Range controls? We're on v3.1.0.24 - does this version actually have this functionality?

* Last updated by: ckennard on 9/24/2010 @ 2:14 AM *

IslandMan Sep 24, 2010 10:37 AM

ckennard Oct 20, 2010 01:51 PM

Are there any instructions anywhere on how to do this? I'm a newbie at this, I've had a look in the instruction manual and I can't work out which section it is under. I've found the reports menu and can see where you set a time for an object but I can't see where you then point it towards to tell it what data to show over that period.

Dana Oct 20, 2010 04:30 PM

Set up your data display component (graph, for instance) as you normally would by specifying the desired data series. The graph and any other components on that screen will take on the timeframe properties of the Report component.

The MaxRun, MinRun & AvgRun tmecham refers to are math functions built into RTMC (check the help for "expressions").


Dana W.

ckennard Oct 25, 2010 10:33 AM

Still having trouble I'm afraid. I can set it up so the:


Shows for the current day, but setting it for any earlier dates doesn't work.

I've also tried the example from the Help notes:


But it didn't work.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

tmecham Oct 25, 2010 01:29 PM

In your example, you are referencing the real-time table, __inlocs__. This table will only have one record in it. Try looking at a final storage table. You may also consider using LNDB to put you data into a database so you have more history available to you.

ckennard Oct 25, 2010 01:50 PM

Thanks, I thought I was accessing the final storage table so that explains that problem. By final storage table do you mean the file the daily records are copied to?

tmecham Oct 25, 2010 02:08 PM

When you browse in RTMC for a value do you just see "ports_and_flag" and "__inlocs__"? If so, you probably need to associate your datalogger program with the station in the Setup Screen -> Program tab -> Associate button. Once you have done that, your final storage array IDs will show up as tables inside RTMC and you can reference those values directly.

You could also add data file sources if you want to access data directly from your data files. In RTMC Pro go to the Project menu -> Manage Data Sources -> Add File Data Source.

ckennard Nov 1, 2010 10:59 AM

When I select the associate button and select the data file will it just add another one or overwrite the existing .dld file?

I tried the direct access method through RMTC but the icon appeared as a document with a red X.

Dana Nov 3, 2010 04:37 PM

The Associate Button does not affect the DLD file stored on the computer or in the datalogger. By associating the file, you are "telling" LoggerNet what the input location and final storage tables look like in the datalogger. It then uses this information to provide data to the LoggerNet clients, including RTMC.

Make sure you have scheduled data collection set up in LoggerNet, so that the data cache (or data file if you are pulling from that) is updated on a regular basis. If a final storage location is not being collected on a schedule, when you look at the data tree when browsing for a data source, that final storage location will appear as a Red X.

Dana W.

ckennard Nov 5, 2010 12:58 PM

I've got a final storage location set up on a schedule but I still get the red X. I decided to try setting up a second IP port to experiment with. It all connects and again I can create RTMC pages using the basic inlocs. Unfortunately my webserver has stopped working properly and no longer displays the main project RTMC2 file as the default webpage at all.

The original webserver RTMC project file was done using the standard RTMC development software and worked. The new one was done in the Pro version and doesn't. I'm wondering if I should just strip it all back and start from scratch.

ckennard Nov 9, 2010 10:01 AM

Things have really fallen apart. My webserver seems to be stuck in redirect loop. Its getting a bit desperate just to get the basic webpage running. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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