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Wind Sensor siting

BNZLTER Sep 16, 2010 07:50 PM

I am wondering how to interpret the common wind siting instructions.

"Locate wind sensors away from obstructions (e.g. trees and building). As a general rule of thumb there should be a horizontal distance of at least ten times the height of the obstruction between the windset and the obstruction."

My question is whether this means 1) the actual height of the obstruction or 2) how much higher the obstruction is than the wind sensor.

1. A 10m tall tree should be 100m from the sensor, a 20m tree should be 200m, etc. This would mean a 3m tree should be 30m away.

2. Any trees less than 10m (assuming a 10m sensor height) are acceptable. A 15m tree would need to be 50m away.

How do others interpret this?

Grant Sep 17, 2010 11:40 AM


My understanding from the literature is that "up to 10 times the dimension of the obstacle" to reduce turbulence to acceptable levels.

Also keep in mind for long term monitoring that the tree will grow, the measuring point will remain stationary.

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