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Underscores appearing in transmitted data?

wilbarger Sep 13, 2010 07:11 PM

Hi all,
I have three weather stations each with a CR1000 datalogger sending data to a TX312 for transmission to the RAWS satellite. I store the values in the data tables as floating point, then use the GOESData instruction to format the values for RAWS and send them to the transmitter.
Two are working great - the same data I download from the datalogger during the testing and installation periods shows up on the RAWS website.
But for the third station, the transmission on the website will show some values with an _ symbol substituted for a zero. It only happens for a value that gets formatted as an integer for RAWS transmission, and it only happens when there's a leading zero. But it doesn't alway happen to ALL the integers with leading zeros, even in the same transmission. Basically, my trasnmissions to the satellite turn out like below:
00.00 ↵↓
_06 ↵↓
008 ↵↓
_03 ↵↓
999 ↵↓
091 ↵↓
11.9 ↵↓
_06 ↵↓
007 ↵↓
_0200 ↵↓
_06 ↵↓
_06 ↵↓
_04 ↵↓
002 ◊
where each line is a different sensor measurement.

It's never in the data downloaded from the datalogger, so it must be appearing after the data is stored in the data table. That makes me suspect the GOESData instruction, though it's the same as in the functioning weather stations. The instructions that send the data to the transmitter look like this:
If TimeIntoInterval(15,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,fireweather,0,0,3)

If TimeIntoInterval(16,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,degwindmax,0,0,7)

If TimeIntoInterval(17,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,hrwindmax,0,0,7)

If TimeIntoInterval(18,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,solar,0,0,8)

If TimeIntoInterval(19,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,snowdepth,0,0,7)

If TimeIntoInterval(20,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,soiltemp,0,0,7)

If TimeIntoInterval(21,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,hrairmax,0,0,7)

If TimeIntoInterval(22,60,Min) Then GOESData(DataRC,hrairmin,0,0,7)

The last parameter in GOESData sets the format of the value - the '3' in the first instruction sends the first 7 values formatted according to RAWS:
'Rain XX.XX
'Wind Speed XXX
'Wind Direction XXX
'Air Temp XXX
'Fuel Temp XXX
'Relative Humidity XXX
'Battery Voltage XX.XX

and then the next severn are sent individually, all formatted as integers:
'Wind Direction Max XXX
'Wind Speed Max XXX
'Solar Radiation XXXXX
'Snow Depth XXX
'Soil Temp XXX
'Air Temp Max XXX
'Air Temp Min XXX

I never have trouble with the rain or battery voltage, just the integers. Anyone seen this before, or have any ways around it?

ChipsNSalsa Sep 15, 2010 05:30 PM

What OSs are in the CR1000s that are working and the CR1000 that isn't? Are all three transmitters set up the same?

wilbarger Sep 15, 2010 07:28 PM

They're all running OS17, and the transmitters were all set up using SatCommand. They transmit on the same channel but have different NESDIS id's and transmission times.

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