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AVW1 to AVW200

arthurvr Aug 23, 2010 03:50 PM


I have a water level monitoring using a CR10X with a vibrating wire (AVW1) and a Geokon 4500 Piezometer.

Now, I'm needing to use a AVW200, because I had a problem with my AVW1.

I saw the manual, but I didn't understand the way to connect the CR10x and the AVW200 using SD-12. Also, I don't have a program example for Geokon 4500.

Someone can help me?


Sam Aug 29, 2010 08:25 PM


You will need to first connect to the AVW200 with Device Configuration Utility to configure the device for SDI-12 communications.

Secondly you will need to wire the AVW200 to the CR10X. Use a CABLE3CBL-L cable to connect the C1 terminal on the AVW200 to a control port and ground on the datalogger. Connect one end of the 19246 power cable to the 12V and G terminals on the AVW200 and the other end to the 12V and G terminals on the datalogger or external power supply.

Third, program the datalogger using the SDI12Recorder instruction (Instruction 105). See Table 7.5-1 to see the SDI-12 Command Codes available. For example, to read channel 1 of the AVW200, you might program the datalogger in the following way (the easiest thing to do is use ShortCut).

5: SDI-12 Recorder (P105)
1: 1 SDI-12 Address @@1
2: 1 Start Measurement (aM1!)
3: 8 Port
4: 3 Loc [ C1Freq ]
5: 1 Multiplier
6: 0 Offset

arthurvr Sep 9, 2010 02:48 PM

Hi Sam,

Could you describe with more details the wires connection between AVW200 and CR10X?

In the SDI-12 command, is the Port number (8, in the example above) the respective port where the AVW200 is connected on CR10X? Or is it the Loc (number 3, above)?

I used the Device Configuration Utility for evaluating the frequency spectrum of the Geokon 4500 sensor, and I could see the frequency graphs.

But I couldn't see the measures of frequency and thermistor on the Data Monitor (they were 0).



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