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Communications with the CR10X

Ayman Aug 19, 2010 01:17 PM

Please I have some inquires regarding CR10X
What I want to do is finding away to be able to download the data (Real-time data) from the CR10X to my computer without using RTMC or datalogger. I am a programming and want to write application to do that.
I want to know how to communicate with the CR10x (Request the data from CR10x and receive the data)
I want to know what the instructions to send to the CR10X are and it responded to me with the requested data.
I am totally new to this field and now I am studying the manual and need some guidelines from you.
Could you please help me in that?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank s

wpns Aug 19, 2010 01:43 PM

The code is a bit dated, but

will give you some of the basics. (If that link is broken, search for Perl)

I'm talking to my CR10(x) boxes with ethernet interfaces, so replace "opening a port to an IP address" with "initialize the COM port" and you should be OK.

Feel free to ask in this thread or the other if you have any more questions, sometimes all you need is a pointer in the right direction.

Also, don't be afraid of all the complexity in your end result (or in my code), just make the simplest thing work (push a byte out the COM port and read it back in) first, and then work up from there.

There's no real communications protocol programming tutorial, but that's what these forums are for!

* Last updated by: wpns on 8/19/2010 @ 7:44 AM *

IslandMan Aug 20, 2010 09:55 AM

Section 5 Telecommunications in the CR10X manual describes the communications commands for retrieving data from a CR10X with serial communications. I have found the B and D commands the simplest to use.
For example:
Send a few CR to sync the baud rate, you will get a * prompt.
If you want 12 records, you send 12B, it gives you a status message then you send 12D and it sends you 12 records. Really quite simple.

* Last updated by: IslandMan on 8/20/2010 @ 3:59 AM *

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