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RTMC Pro with GSM communication to CR850 logger

Asulv Aug 6, 2010 10:33 AM

We are using a cr850 with a SDM-io16 module for controlling a waterhatch in a water reservoir. We are communicating with this logger using a standard WinXP Computer with LoggerNet 4.0 and a GSM modem. Until now we have been using the numeric display for controlling (starting and stopping) the hatch. it is however not very user friendly using this as HMI. We have therefore bought a RTMC Pro licence and want to use this as HMI for controlling the hatch.

The problem is that the RTMC display doesn't uppdatet more often than whats defined in the scheduled data Collection interval in LoggerNet. Here it's defined to be done once pr hour for collecting other weather data from the same station. It is possible to configure a override scheduled collection, but as I can se not for more than one station at a time (We have 3 stations using the same modem). We would typically want a update interval for example 1 sec when we have connected to the station for controlling the hatch.

Any ideas? I have been looking at some cora script to use from a commandbutton in RTMC, but haven't found a command that support this.

Basicly I would like a command button in RTMC wich initiated communication to the specified Logger and kept on collecting data (Real Time) until you disconnected from the station, typically when the hatch has reached the correct position.

jtrauntvein Aug 6, 2010 03:46 PM

When you say that you are accessing three stations using the same GSM modem, what exactly do you mean? Is the GSM modem attached to the LoggerNet host computer or is there more communication hardware involved in order to reach the other two stations? Is your network set up so that LoggerNet can only dial one station at a time?

RTMC pro will allow you to specify and override for any and/or all stations so I am not sure what limitation you have encountered.

Asulv Aug 6, 2010 04:52 PM

Hello and thanks for quick respond.

We are using a PC with LoggerNet connected directly (RS232) to a GSM modem. We use this modem to dial up 3 different CR850 stations regulary every hour to collect logged data.When there is need for adjusting the hatch at one station we manually connect to this station from the connect screen in LoggerNet and uses the numeric display for entering hatch setpoint and give start/ stop command. The numeric display is OK for presenting data, but it is not very god for displaying alarms and entering commands.

Therefore we want to use the RTMC program. Here we can make exactly the HMI we like.

The problem is when having 3 different stations using the same GSM modem we can only communicate with one station at a time. Therefore we can't use the Override collectioninterval on all the 3 stations because the first will block for the other two.

We can ofcourse buy two other modems so we can dial all 3 stations simultaneously but it shouldn't be necesary.

jtrauntvein Aug 6, 2010 09:00 PM

I assume here the the GSM modem that you are using is providing a TCP/IP connection to your computer and that you have set up LoggerNet's network map to use "IPPort" device types for the connections to your PakBusPort objects. If this is that case, there is no reason why your cannot simultaneously communicate with all three stations.

Asulv Aug 9, 2010 02:45 PM

No! The GSM modem is connected to the computer with a serial interface RS232 to a ComPort in the computer. There is no TCP/IP Port on this modem (Maestro 100). In network map LoggerNet is set up like this

+CR850 Station1
+CR850 Station2
+CR850 Station3

When setting a Override schedule interval to staion1 in RTMC The modem dials upp station1 and collects data, but with the wanted uppdate inteval for 1 sec there is no time left to dial the other stations. Therfore it would have been nice to be able to controll the dialing session from Runtime picture in RTMC. The operator could then choose the right station in RTMC Pro and initiate a call before sending commands to the stations and have uppdatet status from station while the hatch is moving. When finished he disconects the call and the modem is avalible for other stations again.

tmecham Aug 9, 2010 03:08 PM

One option would be to have a general overview RTMC project that monitors your stations at the normal collection rate. You could then have 3 Run/Open buttons that would open other RTMC projects. Each of these projects would be designed to monitor and override the schedule of a single station. So when you want to go into high speed mode for a particular station, you just click on the button for that station. When you are done you just close the window and go back to passive monitoring.

Asulv Aug 10, 2010 03:06 PM


Thanks, this solves the problem! didn't think of that!

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