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HMP 60 Temp/RH probe.

SEWESA Aug 5, 2010 08:29 PM

Has anyone out there programmed a CR1000 or CR200X to work with this newer probe from Vaisala?

I'm trying to decide whether to purchase it or not.

Grant Aug 5, 2010 11:31 PM

I haven't but by the look of the documentation it is pretty straight forward as the outputs are selectable.

If you choose the 0-1v output then the following should see you through

Public RH, Temp

DataTable (Hourly,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,1,Hr,10)
Average (1,Temp,FP2,False)
Sample (1,RH,FP2)

Scan (1,Min,0,0)
VoltSe (RH,1,mV2500,1,1,0,250,1.0,0)
VoltSe (Temp,1,mV2500,2,1,0,250,0.1,-40)
If RH>100 AND RH<108 Then RH=100
CallTable Hourly


IslandMan Aug 6, 2010 10:24 AM

I have used several and one of the good things about this sensor is you can order it with 0-5 Vdc or 0- 2.5 Vdc thus utilizing the max input range selections of the loggers.

SEWESA Sep 30, 2010 02:53 PM


Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and bought three of these HMP60's with analog output 0-2.5 Vdc. I used the aforementioned VoltSE commands (only changes I made were which SE channels I was using).

Now I am getting values such as 200+ degrees F and 150 for RH. Going through the manual for the HMP60 I have no clue as to what the problem is. It doesn't seem to indicate any scaling, multiplication factor or offset that I need to adjust. I am using the +5V output of the CR1000 to power the HMP60.

Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong? I used two different HMP60's with the same results.

Here is the appropriate lines of code I am using.
'HMP60 Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor measurements AirTF and RH
If (RH>100) AND (RH<108) Then RH=100
Data Tables
DataTable(CalcFive,True,10) 'Five minute Ave air temp
DataTable(RelativeHumidity,True,10) 'Five minute Ave RH

Thanks for any help I can get.

* Last updated by: SEWESA on 9/30/2010 @ 8:56 AM *

wpns Sep 30, 2010 11:14 PM

Connect a DVM and see what the actual voltage is...

IslandMan Oct 1, 2010 10:45 AM

What was the part number you ordered from Vaisala? I had them ship the wrong sensor outputs twice on me now.

SEWESA Oct 1, 2010 05:16 PM


wpns- The voltages are +1.507 on channel 3 and +1.408 on channel 4 respectively (from signal ground).

Also to answer Island Man's question the part number which was on the probe is HMP60 B12A0A1B0 F3440003 which when I look at the disignations seem to be what I wanted which is analog output.

Hope someone can help me figure this out. I also have an email in to Vaisala customer support about this so if I get an answer from them first I'll post it here.

wpns Oct 1, 2010 05:56 PM

Something's wrong with your voltSE command, I don't use that language myself, but the examples given above and your code differ in what looks like the range and/or gain/offset numbers.

What's the spec on the sensor? Clearly it's not 1.5v=15C....

aps Oct 1, 2010 06:19 PM

Your multipliers are wrong. I believe you are using ones for a probe which outputs 1 V full scale (1000 mv). You need to reduce the multiplers by a factor of 2.5 as the version you have outputs 2500 mV at full scale.

Double check these though as output range for temperature can vary with the newer Vaisala probes.

IslandMan Oct 2, 2010 10:40 AM

B = 0-2.5 Vdc Out
1 = Chan 1 = RH, 0-100%
2 = Chan 2 = Temp, -40 to 60C
For RH multiplier is 100/2500 or 0.04
For TempC multiplier is 100/2500 or 0.04 with Offset = -40
For TempF multiplier is 180/2500 or 0.072 with Offset = -40

Also, make sure you have your channels wired correctly.
Wiring with Vaisala cable:
Pin 1, +Vdc supply, Brown Wire
Pin 2, Chan 1, White Wire
Pin 3, Ground, Blue Wire
Pin 4, Chan 2, Black Wire

* Last updated by: IslandMan on 10/2/2010 @ 4:45 AM *

wpns Oct 3, 2010 08:18 PM

Looks like the sensor is working, if it was 68 degrees F and 56%RH when you took those voltage readings.

SEWESA Oct 5, 2010 04:04 PM

Thanks to all for the help. The new multipliers did the trick!

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