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Remote connection problem with CR10X and COM300

usgshi Jul 1, 2010 04:20 AM

We set up LoggerNet in our office to remotely download data from the site once a day and the cooperator calls the station daily to get current water level. A landline is used at the station. For unknown reason, we are now having problem establishing remote connection by LoggerNet to this station, while other stations work fine. We are still able to call the station and retrieve data, so the COM300 seems to work OK and there was no set up changes on the LoggerNet. Appreciate for any suggestions.

Dana Jul 1, 2010 07:03 PM

What version of LoggerNet? What are the symptoms (other than "can't connect")? Any error messages?

If I understand correctly, LoggerNet can still call out on scheduled data collection but you can't initiate a manual call? Or are you saying one computer cannot call out but a different computer is set up and making scheduled calls successfully?


usgshi Jul 1, 2010 08:15 PM

Thanks for the quick reply.

We are using LoggerNet version 3.3.1. Our office is the only one set up to use LoggerNet to call this station and our cooperator makes "phone" call to get current water level. My problem is that the station is thousands of miles away and I can't just get to it. I do have a local assistant but he only has a CR10 keypad. Anyway, the problem seemed to have started with a busy signal on the phone line which prevented any remote connections. I had the local assistant simply making a phone call on the line to open up the line. After that, the phone calling connection was working well but not the LoggerNet remote connection. However, I just tried to make a phone call connection but the busy signal on the line came back again. The phone line connection was still working before I left office yesterday and I also turned off the scheduled collection. I can't seemed to figure out why the busy signal came back.


ChipsNSalsa Jul 2, 2010 05:10 PM

What operating system do you have in the CR10X? If it's older than 13 (year 2000) that may be the problem. Prior to OS 13 there was a chance that after going into data mode (*9) the datalogger would leave the modem in a permanent off-hook (busy) state.

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