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catskin Jun 10, 2010 12:45 AM

Is the IPManager for the raven modems down? All my IP's stopped updating last night.

I know CS is not in charge of the IPmanager but I thought you might know what is going on.

IslandMan Jun 10, 2010 10:27 AM

A business associate had issues with this yesterday. His sites use the dynamic addressing through eairlink.com and they confirmed an issue with the server.
I think there was an overall issue with the internet yesterday as I had issues with my "logmein" account not being online and also not being able to get to certain websites.

Suggest you call sierra wireless if you are still having problems.

catskin Jun 10, 2010 07:01 PM

Yeah, they are not the easiest people to get in touch with....

Thanks for the info.


MikeW Jun 18, 2010 03:35 AM

I have over 25 with the same thing....the Sierra people laughed at me that I was using their "trial" dns service in a production environment. In total, they were down for 36 hours. I was the first to phone them (service went down at 3 a.m. CDT) and the tech said nothing was wrong on his end.

Turns out (and this is important) they only provide the service as a courtesy and if we are in a production environment, we should sign a non-disclosure agreement with sierra and they will provide (free of charge) the IP manager software for you to run on your own.

Too bad Sierra doesn't certify their devices with dyndns.

I've used the service for over 5 years and this was the longest it has ever been down. Once every year an a half down ain't bad.

Too bad the blue tree modems don't have the same service available

aps Jun 18, 2010 08:30 AM

I am not sure if you guys are talking about Campbell Datalogger use here, but if so, are you aware that Loggernet has a function to perform the IPManager functions itself with Airlink modems?

Secondly, if using CRx000 loggers you can write code in the logger to make the logger work with the dynDNS service - search this forum for more details. I am not sure how well this will work with the Airlink modems though where you establish a local PPP connection to the modem.

IslandMan Jun 18, 2010 10:33 AM

I was unaware their service was a "trial". I'll tell my associate to look into dyndns an the Loggernet solution.

Yes, this is related to CSI loggers in my comment. I'm assuming you are talking about LN4?


aps Jun 18, 2010 11:16 AM

It was introduced in Loggernet 3 and is still in Loggernet 4.

catskin Jun 18, 2010 09:09 PM

I did not realize it IPmanager was a trial. I'm working on static IP's if I can get Verizon moving. If that does not happen, I will look into coding for dyndns.org as I have used the service for 10 years or so on two servers and it has worked well. I only have two sites on static IP's so far, the rest are RF.

If anybody has already written the code for Dyndns and wouldn't mind posting it, it would save reinventing the wheel so to speak..


aps Jun 19, 2010 10:12 AM

For code see this thread:

Note the comment on being barred from dyndns if you update your entry too often.

wlcable Aug 18, 2010 09:06 PM

I am wondering if anyone is using the IPmanager function built into Loggernet? I am trying to use it with some Raven XT's and am unsure of a couple of things. 1)Where will the new IP addresses show up when they are received? 2)I know in the IPPort settings I need to supply the Airlink Device ID (currently their ESN's) but what about the IP address? Should it be blank with just the correct port (example. ":3001"). Are their any other tricks?


wlcable Aug 19, 2010 06:52 PM

I thought I would answer my own questions in case anyone else is trying to figure this out. It turns out the problems I was having with the built-in IPManager was that it wasn't running. When you open the settings box from the options menu in Setup you must always click apply, even if you didn't make any changes. Clicking cancel, which I had done because I didn't make any changes, seems to shut down the service. You can check to see if it is running using by using netstat in a cmd window.

The new IP addresses show up on the IPPort that you have configured with the corresponding Airlink Device ID. You can leave the IP address blank when you are setting it up, you just need to provide the correct port (example. ":3001").

I am currently using this built-in IPManager and the eairlink.com server both since you can give the Raven 2 servers to provide IP updates to. This should give me a backup if one is down for some reason.

Dana Aug 19, 2010 10:16 PM

It turns out the problems I was having with the built-in IPManager was that it wasn't running. When you open the settings box from the options menu in Setup you must always click apply, even if you didn't make any changes. Clicking cancel, which I had done because I didn't make any changes, seems to shut down the service.

What version of LoggerNet are you using? Were you using the Airlink default port number of 17338?

I ran some tests and did not see this behavior. If you still experience problems with LoggerNet stopping its "listening" on the specified port, let me know.

Dana W.

wlcable Aug 19, 2010 10:20 PM

Hi Dana,

Yes, this is using the default port of 17338 and default freq. key on LoggerNet version 3.4.1. Everything seems to be working now, but clicking cancel instead of apply in that setup box kills the listening process. Now that I know that I just make sure to click apply.


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