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onim1978 May 28, 2010 08:07 AM

i have a CR200. I want to connect it to my linux pc to download data.
I use minicom (is similar to hyperterminal) to connect with the cr200.
I can download only most recent data (the last data record).

I want to download all data in the cr200.

there is some command?



aps May 28, 2010 10:20 AM

No I am afraid not. You need to run a program that uses our binary Pakbus protocol to extract all the data from the logger. We do have a package that runs on Linux, but it is designed to run on a data collection server for automated collection from large networks, and is therefore not cheap, nor suited to single PC operation.

We do have a Java development kit (also paid for) that users have written their own programs to run on Linux.

The quicker way to get going is to find a Windows PC, or a Windows emulator to run on Linux, and start off using our free PC200W package which you can download of the web.

The only other thing you can do with a terminal emulator is to program the datalogger to output values via the serial port as they are measured. See details of the Print command in the CRBasic help for the datalogger.

onim1978 May 28, 2010 11:06 AM

good.... i use minicom (similar to hyperterminal). I connect to cr200 via the serial port. But i download only the most recent data. I would like to download all data.
There is some methods that i can use with terminal emulator to download all data?


artmann May 28, 2010 12:43 PM

as andrew stated already there is no _simple_ way to achieve this on linux without the appropiate software package.
so from my point-of-view you will have to use some tweaks like the mentioned serial-output.
Maybe you can make your logger listen (via programming ;) to a specific command on a serial port which will make him iterate through your datatable and output each record on the serial port?

As andrew didn't mention it, i am not sure if this works, but you could try to install WINE and get PC200W running with it.

good luck

wpns May 29, 2010 01:50 AM

I've got some Perl code to get the current readings with appropriate use of the 3142J and K commands, and then parses the resulting binary data from CSIFPF into floats.

You could conceivably write code to get Final Storage Data (maybe with just the F command?), but of course the data format is different and in the end most of the code woudl be different too.

I'm assuming the CR200 talks the same communications code as the CR10x boxes I have. What commands o you give using minicom to get the box to give you the latest data?

aps May 29, 2010 09:56 PM

The CR200 does not use the old ASCII commands of the CR10X. There is a basic text mode, that is mainly used for diagnostics. To RELIABLY get historical data you need to talk Pakbus to it.

For Linux you could consider running an open source package written in Python, that someone else put details about on this forum, see:


This is not supported by Campbell Scientific. If it works with a CR1000 it may be relatively easy to modify it to run with a CR200, which runs a subset of the full Pakbus commands.

Details of Pakbus and the differences can be found in here:


* Last updated by: aps on 6/3/2010 @ 6:18 AM *

Sam Jun 1, 2010 09:58 PM


Please refer to the CR200 manual (http://www.campbellsci.com/documents/manuals/cr200.pdf), page A-1.

If you enter "6" and press enter, you will get the data from the first data table, one record back. If you enter "6" and enter again before the terminal times out, you will get the data from the first data table, two records back. Again ... third record back, etc. If you let the session time out, the "pointer" will be reset and issuing "6" and enter will get you data from the first data table, one record back.

* Last updated by: Sam on 6/1/2010 @ 3:58 PM *

ndonso Oct 14, 2013 04:10 PM

Could somebody tell me how configure minicom or similar software to comunicate a CR10X...

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