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CRBasic Compilation Error List?

April May 17, 2010 10:36 PM


I know this seems like a silly question, but is there a list of CRBasic compilation errors and warnings and what they mean?

Currently I have a warning that states: "When scan 1 is running background calibration will be disabled", but I have no idea what this means. Searching help for background, calibration and "background calibration" hasn't produced anything.

This isn't the first time I've had this type of problem, normally I just make it go away by trial and error, but I was thinking there must be a better way :)


jra May 17, 2010 11:23 PM


Have you seen this tutorial? http://www.campbellsci.com/19_1_9999_158

Also, take a look at the CR1000 manual; section 4.2.10 explains the datalogger's self-calibration. The pdf is search-able, typing background calibration into the search brings you to that section pretty quickly.
You can get the latest manual from http://www.campbellsci.com/19_1_9999_158


* Last updated by: Janet on 5/17/2010 @ 5:24 PM *

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