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cafeilde Apr 14, 2010 08:14 AM

Hi everybody!

I've established both a HTTP sever and a FTP sever useing the CR1000 with the NL115 at the same time.

Viewing the data in the mean of the http format is available, but the data downloaded from the FTP is a empty file.

I don't konw why!
Who can help me?
Thank you!

Dana Apr 15, 2010 03:48 AM

What instructions are you using to store the data file, and what device are you storing it to? (CPU, CRD, or USR)

Posting a portion of your program may be helpful.



cafeilde Apr 15, 2010 04:19 AM

The data file was stored in the CRD and directly downloaded from the FTP.

The program i used is the standard OPEC program.
The data file is the Ts data table.

Dana Apr 15, 2010 05:53 PM

Could you clarify what you mean by "directly downloaded from the FTP"?

Thank you,


Dana Apr 15, 2010 06:10 PM

In thinking further about what you are saying, it sounds like you are hoping to retrieve a data table being written by the datalogger via FTP. This is not possible. You would need to use the TableFile instruction in the DataTable declaration to write a binary or ASCII file to the CRD, and then retrieve that file.

Have you considered just using LoggerNet for data collection? If you can connect to the datalogger via IP, it's a simple matter of setting up scheduled data collection and letting the software do all the work.



cafeilde Apr 16, 2010 06:37 AM

Thank you very much, Dana!
I got it.
I didn't use the TableFile instruction.

By the way! I know the way collecting data from LoggerNet, but just wanna make downloading data from FTP come ture.

LATR Apr 23, 2010 07:45 AM

Hi Dana,

I believe I have a similar situation. I am using NL115 and I am trying to download data (automatically) to the server. Right now, I am manually using data collection through loggernet every once in a while (every 2 or three days). However, I'd like to retrieve data (TS and flux tables) to the server at a higher frequency (~every hour). I've tried the schedule data collection (using EZsetup and a rs232 connection to our cr3000), and nothing happened.My doubt is that if by enabling schedule data collection the datalogger "calls" for other loggers associated to that network (trying to collect data from those stations, and since my cr3000 is the only device on the network then nothing happens ... Could you give me any ideas of instructions/procedures needed to be able to schedule data collection to my server near real time.

Thank you!

Dana Apr 23, 2010 05:51 PM

Scheduled data collection is enabled from the Setup window in LoggerNet, under the Schedule tab. Set the schedule to one hour from here and click the box at the top to enable it.

Check your Status Monitor window to make sure you do not have "Pause schedule" enabled.

If this does not resolve your problem, please contact the Campbell Scientific office for your location so they can help you get things set up.



johannott Jul 21, 2011 01:04 PM

I am having a similar problem.. I have set up to files to be stored on the ftp. One every minute,the other every hour. I was originally storing the files to the CRD but then the after a couple of weeks the files on the FTP disappeared. I tried to change the files to store on the USR. It worked for about an hour then the files disappeared again.

The code for writing the table files is

'Define Data Tables
Totalize (1,SlrkJ,IEEE4,False)
WindVector (1,WS_mpS,WindDir,FP2,False,0,0,1)
Maximum (1,Gust_3s,FP2,False,False)
Sample ( 1,Energy_wm2,FP2)
Sample (1,DiffEnergy_wm2,FP2)



Any help would be great!

jra Jul 21, 2011 01:49 PM


We need some more information from you.
1) What is your USR drive size set to?
2) Check File Control, from the Connect screen, and see that the files are being written to the USR drive. How many USR bytes are free?
3) Post the section of your program with the FTPClient instructions. You can *** out the address, name and password.


johannott Jul 21, 2011 04:20 PM


I set the USR Drive size to be 1000 bytes using PakBus Graph.
However, when I looked at it again it says it was 8192 bytes.
If I try to change it back to 1000 it keeps resetting to 8192.

In File Control, USR free space is 6144 bytes.

I am actually not using the FTP Client at the moment. I am accessing the files on the FTP server externally from a different server.

I wanted to change to use the FTP Client function but was wondering about the file name. I have the table file set to rewrite each other after two files are created. Therefore a suffix X.dat is added to the file name each time.

Is it possible to enter the file name in the FTP client instruction without the number on the end?? Will it read the correct file?


johannott Jul 21, 2011 04:23 PM

Sorry, I have just realised the USR must be at least 8192

jra Jul 21, 2011 06:59 PM

Is it possible to enter the file name in the FTP client instruction without the number on the end?? Will it read the correct file?

Yes, take a look at how LastFileName is used in the Example provided in CRBasic.

I'd still like you to check File Control and see if files are being written as expected. Then we can determine if this is a TableFile or ftp issue.


johannott Jul 22, 2011 11:31 AM

We are having an issue that when we send an update of the datalogger program to the datalogger all the files go from file control and we are unable to send another file. The datalogger continues to work fine however and weather data can still be downloaded. The datalogger then needs to be rebooted. My colleagues has mentioned that the TableFiles created can not be seen in File Control.

Should I remove the TableFile functions from the program and see if it runs ok?

aps Jul 22, 2011 11:57 AM

Can I advise anyone trying to use the tablefile and ftp to make sure they get the latest operating system for their logger from:


There were some changes made both to fix bugs and improve the efficiency of the tablefile instruction and ftp transfers in recent releases.

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