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Forward strings from a ravenxtv modem

Christopher Apr 12, 2010 06:04 PM

Hello All,

I am looking to use a Sierra Wireless RavenXT modem (Verizon CDMA service) to connect to a CR1000 datalogger. That part is easy and is set up and running. I'd also like to use the serial server capabilities of the RavenXT to connect to it with telnet to send serial strings that the CR1000 looks for and when received forwards out another com port to a serial device. The CR1000 would then wait for the response and then forward that back out the Raven. The conceptual pathway is:

telnet ipRaven 3001 ---> send a string
CR1000 looks at ComRS232 for any input
CR1000 forwards input out Com1
CR1000 waits for a response on Com1
CR1000 forwards response from Com1 to ComRS232
telnet ipRaven 3001 <--- receives a string

Is this the way to go about this or might there be a better way? Note the string to receive and forward will be variable, but will always have a CRLF at the end.


IslandMan Apr 14, 2010 01:57 AM

Hi Chris,
Is this going to be an automated process or manual process that you have to do from time to time?

Christopher Apr 14, 2010 08:54 PM


This will be a manual process run as needed.


IslandMan Apr 15, 2010 01:47 AM


I would suggest a simpler approach might be:
Connect to the station with Loggernet
Enter the Terminal Emulator Mode
Enter the Serial PassThru mode "P", Select the com port the sensor is connected to then enter your commands.


Christopher Apr 15, 2010 03:56 PM

Well that is just too easy! I demand a harder solution! There needs to be lots of agony and sweat and opportunities for brilliant coding in order to justify my salary! Seriously! How am I supposed to feed my children when people go around offering blindingly simple solutions to problems that can be made hard and complex?! You let me down IslandMan :{

IslandMan Apr 15, 2010 04:02 PM

Gee, sorry about that. I suggest you design a whole new processor and use machine language to control your serial sensor through Telnet....


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