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displaying previous records in RTMC

sjp Apr 6, 2010 08:12 PM

I have a data table in a CR1000 that measures a suite of parameters daily at a specific time (eg 8am) daily. I am trying to setup an RTMC page that will populate individual previous records, not the most current record. For example, I want to display the AirTemp at 8am, for the previous 7 days using separate digital displays. I would use labels to identify the date of digital values (eg Monday 8am, Tuesday 8am etc). For this application, simply using a table display set to display the last 7 records isn't the best solution.

Even better would be that each week the digital displays would be reset and as time passed Monday 8am, it would populate the Monday 8am digital display, then reset sometime on Sunday.

I have played around with the 'ValueAtTime' function but without success. Has anyone else attempted such a feat? Is there a tidy way to reference records other than the most current?

many thanks,

Dana Apr 7, 2010 03:58 PM

I would try to approach this from the datalogger side. The CRBasic language has syntax that let's you easily pull values from a data table. (search the CRBasic help index for "data table access"). For example:

Variable=TableName.FieldName(FieldNameIndex, RecordsBack)



(where 2 is 2 records back to get to Monday's data).

Hopefully this gives you an idea to try.

Dana W.

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