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NL120 remote not connecting after ver 18

ciewinder Apr 1, 2010 12:36 AM

With Loggernet 4.0 and a CR1000 connection with NL120 is fine when on ethernet network and with wireless at that location as well. When trying to connect remotely using VPN to same network the connect screen will not connect. But at the same time RTMC works fine. This seems to have come up after upgrading to version 18 but I think it worked initially.

I have already tried reloading settings with the Dev Config on RS232 several times.

Any adeas?



aps Apr 2, 2010 08:12 AM

If the CR1000/NL120 works on ethernet OK (which is does with OS18) this would probably seem to point to the security settings or general setup of your VPN.

If you could post more details of how you are connecting remotely, e.g. where is Loggernet running, is it on your own PC or a remote PC to which you are connecting. If on your (remote) PC do you have an IP address on the local network of the logger - if not have you set a gateway IP in the logger.

ciewinder Apr 5, 2010 04:14 PM


Thanks for the insight. I'm running loggernet from the same notebook PC that was previously configured with the correct IP address since it worked before upgrading to ver 18.

Evidently something was reset then. Could you point me towards which VPN settings are involved? I have to go through corporate IT people for them and they don't know loggernet.



aps Apr 6, 2010 01:46 PM

There are numerous different VPN program and associated VPN routers so I cannot give exact detail. All I can say is that, usually in the router, the sysadmin can limit you to the protocol and machines you can access in the internal network.

If you are running Loggernet on the notebook, they may need to "open the door" to you so that you can connect to the logger at its given internal IP address and also on the Pakbus/TCP Service socket which defaults to 6785.

As I mentioned before when you load a new OS via our Device configuration program all settings get reset back to defaults so make sure you have changed any you need to.

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