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CR1000 & CC640

MiguelR Nov 29, 2008 01:20 AM

Someone can to explain like to do a program for this equipment or as making it work since I do not achieve it

Dana Nov 29, 2008 02:18 PM

Section 13 of the current CC640 user manual covers using the camera with the CR1000. Use DevConfig to set up the camera for a self-timed mode, or the PulsePort instruction in the CR1000 to trigger images. The manual can be found on the CSI web site (just search for CC640).

Perhaps if you have specific questions, someone might be able to help.


MiguelR Dec 2, 2008 08:30 PM

i saw the manual, and realize the configuration as it indicates to me but I fail to capture any picture, someone has some sample program to use the camera ?

MiguelR Dec 3, 2008 06:48 PM

Connect these devices already achieved, I just need to assign the COM port and set the output of storage

MiguelR Dec 8, 2008 11:23 PM

I`ve a New problem, I try to visualize the images stored in / CRD/Imagen1.jpg using the HTTPOut and does not work, I have here a line of code to use

HTTPOut("<img src="+CHR(34)+"/CRD/imagen1.jpg"+CHR(34)+">"

But every time I try to open the image sends me the following message.

No Table or File found or Site Secured

If the discharge through the logernet can see no problem but in the HTML page that I'm designing with the interface can not be NL115

MiguelR Dec 9, 2008 03:58 PM

The name of my image is correctly, and try change CRD:Imagen1.jpg but don`t work.

* Last updated by: MiguelR on 12/9/2008 @ 9:04 AM *

MiguelR Dec 17, 2008 04:05 PM

solves the problem by changing the extension. JPG in uppercase, now I have a question, how can I make a cycle that shows the last image displayed, because the picture is changing the name, as in CRBasic can I do this?

Dana Jan 2, 2009 07:49 PM

how can I make a cycle that shows the last image displayed, because the picture is changing the name, as in CRBasic can I do this?

Try using FileList to get a list of files. I *think* the order of the files will be consistent (for instance, the newest file is always first, or last, or...?? I haven't tested it and can't remember right off hand). Then, use FileRename (or FileCopy) to set the image name to a consistent name.


Public VarList(10), WebName

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
VarList=FileList ("USR",VarList())
FileRename ("USR:VarList(1)","USR:WebName")
'Alternately use FileCopy ("USR:VarList(1)","USR:WebName")

I haven't tested this, but I think you can use some combination of the File manipulation instructions to get what you are looking for. You'll just have to experiment a little...



Dana Jan 2, 2009 07:53 PM

Oops, the example needs another variable & a change.


Public VarList(10), WebName, Success

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)

'FileList will return a -1 if the Device does not exist or a -2 if Destination is not a variable.
Success=FileList ("USR",VarList())
FileRename ("USR:VarList(1)","USR:WebName")

'Alternately use FileCopy ("USR:VarList(1)","USR:WebName")

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