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LoggerNet question?

moho Feb 5, 2010 05:36 PM

Hi all,
we recognized a strange behavior in Loggernet and can not find the problem! Maybe someone can help? We have two measurements. Both are running a CR1000 to store 1hz data on a CF card. The NL115 is connected to a satellite connection which let the logger be accessible by internet.

Since September 2009 the system is running perfectly. Based that we collect data over the TCP/IP conection, we have set LoggerNet to collect every 30minutes data from the data table, which is stored to the CF card.

The problem now, is that LoggerNet overwrites the file (.dat) in CampbelSci/LoggerNet folder. We pleased our IT department to restore data from a daily backup but it happens again, yesterday!

Is it possible, that there is a limit in the file size? Because both files of each Logger (.dat) are nearly 2GB.

There is no windows task(batch or script), which access the .dat file. That was our first idea so that LoggerNet can not write to the file.

The scheduler is set to the same time! So both loggers will be downloaded at the same time! Could that be a problem?

Our LoggerNet Version is

thanks for any help.

Dana Feb 5, 2010 06:53 PM

Review your data collection options on the Data Files tab of the Setup window for the datalogger. Make sure the File Output Option did not inadvertently get changed to "Overwrite" rather than "Append".

Have you made any changes to the datalogger program that would correspond to when you first noticed this behavior?

Dana W.

moho Feb 5, 2010 07:00 PM

Hi Dana,
it is set to "Append to end of file" and was not changed! No changes were made to the program. I can reprodouce the overwriting. I double checked the old 2gb file, which will be overwrite with the new one. Both have the same signature (field 7 of header TOA5)?

* Last updated by: moho on 2/5/2010 @ 12:01 PM *

Dana Feb 7, 2010 04:11 PM

The signature you see in that field is the program signature, so it will be the same until the datalogger program changes.

Regards, Dana

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