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Communicating over mixed network.

Peter R. Aug 16, 2017 01:11 AM

So, before I start writing a ton of code to solve this, which I can, I am wondering if I might be missing something with PakBus networks. Here's the problem.

I have two identical pairs of CR6s. Each sets pair of Cr6s are connected on U7/U8 for logger to logger coms. One of the CR6s in the pair is also hooked into a RF451 and both, additionally hooked into a network switch that will provide them internet access.

One pair can talk to the other pair over the 451 or internet however the internet is a power luxury that will be killed on a voltage threshold.

If I want to talk between pairs on the loggers that don't have the 451s in a senario where I do not have internet access can I simply do a SendVars citing the destination Pakbus address and out via U7/8 and the loggers will figure out that it needs to go out via u7/8, through the csio 451 on the other logger into the recieving csio 451 and through the u7/8 on the other end?

All loggers have unique pakbus addresses (figured that was important ;)). 

Sorry if this explaination is confusing..


JDavis Aug 16, 2017 03:53 PM

You just need to specify which port the SendVariables command will go out. Any inbetween dataloggers would need to have IsRouter set True.

Peter R. Aug 16, 2017 04:01 PM

Thanks for the response. If IsRouter is set, can that logger be a destination? I need all loggers to be destinations and routers if that makes sense.

JDavis Aug 16, 2017 04:35 PM

Yes, a router can be a destination.

Peter R. Aug 16, 2017 04:37 PM

Perfect, thank you. 

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