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Using Split for table based arrays

shollingsed Jan 29, 2010 09:10 PM

Can you use split to separate 15min data from 60min data in the same output table?

jra Jan 29, 2010 10:40 PM

Split can probably do what you need, BUT...

What logger generated this data? "Tables" and "arrays" aren't usually in the same data set. Please you post a few lines of the data and what you want the results to look like.


Dana Jan 30, 2010 03:38 PM

If this is an array based file (e.g., your data looks like this:

15, x, x, x, x
15, x, x, x, x
15, x, x, x, x
15, x, x, x, x
60, x, x, x, x, x, ,x , x

Use a copy condition of 1[15] for your first file, and then process the original file a second time using a copy condition of 1[60] for the second file. This assumes your array ID is 15 for the 15 minute file and 60 for the 60 minute file. The array IDs would be in the 100 range if you let the datalogger assign the IDs automatically.

If all you need to do is split the data into two files, with no other post-processing, you can also use the Split utility in PC200W (a no-cost download from our web site). It only does this one function, but it's quick and easy.

And, as Janet notes, if you have a table-based file, we would need additional information. Data from two output intervals would not normally end up in the same file.


Dana W

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