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RTMC TotalOverTime Function

Gerhard Apr 11, 2016 07:17 PM


I have stations collecting rainfall data in 5-minute increments, and I'm trying to convert that to hourly rainfall using the following function:

StartRelativeToNewest(nsecPerHour, OrderCollected); TotalOverTime("Server:EHFire.P_5min.Rain_in_Tot", "Server:EHFire.P_5min.Rain_in_Tot",nsecPerHour)

Data is updated every 30 minutes, and I'd like for the funtion to reset every time new data comes in to reflect rainfall in the past hour. Is there any way of doing that?


tmecham Apr 11, 2016 07:27 PM

You should check out TotalOverTimeWithReset.  Something like this should work.

StartRelativeToNewest(nsecPerHour, OrderCollected);
TotalOverTimeWithReset("Server:EHFire.P_5min.Rain_in_Tot", Timestamp("Server:EHFire.P_5min.Rain_in_Tot"), RESET_HOURLY)

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