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CRbasic covariance

larsmort Feb 26, 2016 03:08 PM

I would like to use the covariance function to calculate momentum and heat flux in CRbasic. I have a CR3000 datalogger and a Gill WindMaster anemometer. From this I can get the wind vector output in either polar or cartesian coordinates.

Calculating the vertical heat flux I think is straightforward using the covariance function in a data table, since I have the vertical wind component and the temperature. The problem is decomposing the horizontal wind vector in the streamwise component u, and the normal component v, needed for the momentum flux (uv and uw covariance). In order to do this the mean wind direction must be known, and this is not the case until the end of each interval (10 minutes).

How can this be solved without storing the complete timesereis? Is it even possible to calculate momentum flux in real time in CRbasic?

aps Feb 26, 2016 03:58 PM

The answer is yes and you will find code to do this in our new Easy-Flux program, see here:


That program is designed to work with our CSAT3 and other sensors, so you will need to either extract parts of it or modify it for your own needs, or perhaps buy a CSAT3!

larsmort Feb 29, 2016 02:37 PM

Yes, this will solve my problem.


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