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Connect to CR1000 through NL240 from external network?

mbowen Nov 22, 2015 10:04 PM

I have a weather station set up at a remote location using a CR1000 datalogger, and an NL240 network adapter. It is powered via a small solar array/battery that also powers the local network hardware - a DLink router and a Ubiquiti Nanostation M2. The idea is, the Nanostation connects to a nearby existing network and rebroadcasts as a new network (say, Network A) through the DLink AP.

Anyways, that's just some background. My goal is to connect a Loggernet installation on a PC that joins a different network (say, Network B) to the NL240 that is connected to Network A.

Is this possible?


jtrauntvein Dec 16, 2015 08:18 PM

If I read your question correctly, the NL240 is connected to the wireless network created by the DLink router which, in turn, is serviced by the Ubiquiti network on the router's LAN port.  If that is the case, it should be possible providing that that DLink router has port forwarding rules the datalogger's address through the NL240 interface.

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