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csat3 anolog wiring

CarloDguezUV Nov 5, 2015 03:32 AM

We have a csat3 but the SDM cable has been damaged and we cant buy another one. My question is How i can connect the analog wired in the CR3000?

I have read the user's manual and i dont found how connect it.


bconrad Nov 5, 2015 03:08 PM


The analog wiring for the CSAT3 can be found in table 5-7 in the CSAT3 manual. The individual channels on the logger that these wires go into depends on how you program the logger. For example:
Public wnd_data(4)
Alias wnd_data(1) = Ux : Units Ux = m/s
Alias wnd_data(2) = Uy : Units Uy = m/s
Alias wnd_data(3) = Uz : Units Uz = m/s
Alias wnd_data(4) = c : Units c = m/s

Scan (100,mSec,0,0)
VoltDiff (wnd_data(),4,mV5000,1,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
'Place Instruction to Scale mV to engineering units here
This would indicate that Ux sig high and low would go to 1H,1L respectively, Uy sig high low would go to 2H,2L, Uz sig high low to 3H,3L and c sig high low to 4H,4L. The multiplier and offset to convert these signals from voltages to engineering units can also be found in the manual (section 6.3).
Please read section 6.3 as well because the CSAT3 will need to be programmed using the CSAT32 software, to output an analog signal.

CarloDguezUV Nov 9, 2015 07:30 PM

Hi (again)

I have already connected the csat3 with analog wiring but the new problem is:
The voltage differences of the VoltDiff are so big and for that, the wind velocity doesnt correspond to the real values.
How i can convert those voltage differences into wind velocity?
I have used the multipliers and the data are the same (high values).


bconrad Nov 9, 2015 10:23 PM

Please make sure you are using the correct multipliers and offsets. Table 6-3 gives these multipliers and offsets for the low and high range (which depends on how you set the analog outputs with the CSAT32 software). However, these are in m s-1 V-1. Your raw voltages from the VoltDiff are in mV. You will need to change the multipliers and offsets so that your units are in m s-1 mv-1.

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