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8 bit Gray code Wind Vane

Airtec Oct 26, 2015 02:56 PM

Hi, i have to connect a 8 bit gray code wind vane to a CR1000, the sensor is a Theodor Friedrichs 4123.0000 with a serial output of 8 bit Gray code, RS232 compatible, 600Bd, 8 data bit, 1 start bit, 2 stop bit, no parity, TTL level, the manual of the sensor is in this link:

Can anyone help me to read the serial string?
The CR1000 can manage a 600 baud communication?

* Last updated by: Airtec on 10/27/2015 @ 7:41 AM *

JDavis Oct 27, 2015 03:12 PM

600 baud is not a baud rate supported on any Campbell Scientific dataloggers.

You would have to use a baud rate converter such as this:

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