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convert binary raw file format

Virginie Oct 21, 2015 02:33 PM

Dear all,

I am trying to convert and split binary files collected from a CR5000. The format is : A0041050.r04 (AdddHHMM.rYY).
These are big files supposed to be binary, and I want to convert them into TOA5 and split them into 30 min files using loggernet.
Unfortunately, when I am using loggernet "card convert" option, and when I am selecting the folder where the binary files are, loggernet doesn't recognize any binary files in the folder.
So, what is the real format of AdddHHMM.rYY and how can I see what is inside (headers, numbers of columns, orders of parameters with units...)?
In the end I need to extract the information in order to parameterize eddy-covariance processing software.

Many thanks in advance for your help,

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