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Data download

LGS Jun 26, 2015 01:11 PM


i am using the CR1000 datalogger on a national network of weather stations. The data is retrieved with loggerner under linux. Once the data is downloaded, a processing is applied. Sometimes when the amount of data is too huge (for example after a communication breakdown), not all the data is retrieved. I think the reason is that during the retrieval, our internal process checks that the file is not used anymore by any process (using fuser) and then make the processing of this file and archive the file. Loggernet continues downloading the data silently... So my question is: how to know that all the data has been retrieved? Adding a delay to the start of processing is not a solution since data is used for now casting i.e. nearly real-time.


Luis Gonzalez Sotelino

JDavis Jun 26, 2015 10:32 PM

I would normally used Task Master in Loggernet with an event triggered after file closed.

In your case of using Loggernet Linux, I believe you will have to use the Cora Script interface of the Loggernet server.

There are various server statistics you have access to through Cora Script including values remaining to collect. The manual for Cora Script should be in the installation directory of Loggernet Remote.

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