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Limited subNet UDP broadcast and Listen

MikeNIWANZ Jun 16, 2015 09:53 AM

Hi, I have instruments and loggers on a LAN at observing station.

One CR1000/NL120 listens for a subnet broadcast of meteorological data. Program fragment is:

Socket1=UDPOpen ("",7088,211)
Scan(3,Sec, 3, 0)
SerialIn (InStringNet,Socket1,0,CHR(10),105)

This works fine under OS28, with IP address as "" & does not work on earlier OS's. I see this is as described in the OS changelog:
79. Modified UDPDatagram() so that when the IP address is blank, it will listen for and queue up incoming datagrams. Also UDPDataGram() will return a connection handle when a datagram is queued, put the received data into the UDPRecVar variable, and indicate the message length of the received data in the UDPSendLen variable.

A second CR1000 logger is making a limited subnet broadcast of the meteorological data string with code fragment

Socket1=UDPOpen ("",7088,211)
Scan(3,Sec, 3, 0)

This worked fine under OS26 and the broadcast is picked up by multiple instruments on subnet. However, I have just updated OS on the broadcaster to OS28 and I cannot get limited subnet broadcast to work, have tried a few alternatives including UDPdatagram to no avail.


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