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LNDB Table corruption

PPeters Jun 14, 2015 09:49 PM

Just throwing this out there as have also logged the fault with CSI direct..

I am using LNDB as an intermediary on our time series data storage with some process steps involved. this has been running fault free for over a year now but recently a significant corruption is occurring. tables are being corrupted on write and I can not sort out why and when.
what is happening is a row is inserted into the table with either false data, or correct data in some case but always with an incorrect RecNum; out of sequence. If I delete the table and repopulate from LoggerNet cache the data is clean and uncorrupted??

Has anyone else had this issue?
I would also be interested on recommended maintenance for both loggernet and LNDB as both where getting large in backup size? I tried to clean the loggernet cache but was only partially successful with a clean software reinstall and recovery form a backup with no cache.

on a secondary note I have tried the recent LNDB 1.2 patch but this has failed to install or initiate the install?

I have the backup of loggernet and SQl for testing if anybody able to assist

LoggerNet Admin 4.3
SQL Server 2008R2



MJE Jun 15, 2015 05:24 PM

I've never heard of a data corruption issue like this before with LNDB. It's possible that some LoggerNet cache files have become corrupt. Did you manually delete the LoggerNet cache files before doing the backup restore?

If you'd like help troubleshooting LNDB (the corruption issue and/or the install issue), feel free to contact me. meborn at campbellsci dot com.

PPeters Jun 15, 2015 08:18 PM

thanks for the offer..
I am not sure it is the cache as if i delete the sql table then repopulate the data error does not reappear?
i tried to clear the cache but dont think it was successful.
How should you delete it?

i have posted the SQL database backup and loggernet on a public dropbox if anyone curious, would be interested to hear opinions on what has happened


MJE Jun 16, 2015 04:08 PM

I'll take a look at the files you posted.

Will you also provide (through email or dropbox) a zip file containing your LNDB log files? They may be helpful in determining what is happening. The LNDB log files are normally located under:


Some questions:

- When exactly did you first notice the data corruption issues with LNDB?
- Were there any changes to your LoggerNet network configuration, or LNDB configuration just prior to the data corruption issues?
- Are you seeing corrupted data with all database tables, or just specific ones?

I'll get back to you shortly on the topic of maintenance, clearing the cache, etc.

PPeters Jun 16, 2015 08:50 PM

Thanks MJE

here is log file, with parked files around one incidence


the fault started mid May, In late April we had an issue with the Server that we run the LoggerNet service on which required a rebuild from a backup, this backup had a corrupt SQL which was rebuilt, not 100% on what happened with this but can find out more details if significant

The corruption seems to be random in nature but if we have multiple corruptions across tables they generally occur at the same or similar times as shown in the previous posted files.
The most common table for all sites seems to be the DATA_Status table and is more commonly corrupted with data from another site with origin DATA_Gust. I tracked the corruption by the recnum and data values and matched to the GUST table of another site, image shown in link



MJE Jun 18, 2015 09:28 PM

Thanks for the additional information. I've looked at the files you posted, including your LNDB log files. I can see the instance in the logs where data from a DATA_Gust table is clearly inserted into the wrong table; DATA_Status. This is strange, especially after things have been running smoothly for over a year.

Before researching this issue further, we'd like to know if the problem persists after installing the LNDB 1.2 patch.

Will you try re-downloading the patch from our website, and installing it?


(Make sure you have Administrator privileges on the computer you're installing it on)

PPeters Jun 18, 2015 10:03 PM

Thanks for the follow up

Our local agent has provided the patch and I installed correctly yesterday with no issues
I have not seen any corruption since the original post but are monitoring it closely
happy to do so and will provide details if it occurs again


PPeters Jul 20, 2015 01:44 AM

Update to this Post

Have not seen any further corruption since the last events
so now hopeful issue has been resolved

Would be curious on any recommended maintenance on the DB if any.

PPeters Oct 13, 2015 10:27 PM


database corruption occured again, in exactly the same manner as previously

new files loaded here

I had a further issue when I repopulated the SQL database from the loggernet cache and got further corruption of the database, file is include lots of corrupted data and incorrect dates. I repeated the process and had clean SQL data so not sure what happened.

I really need some help with this as we cant keep running our system with these errors. Our IT guys are confident it is not an SQL issue and is most likely a bug in the LNDB write but would appreciate second opinion on this

happy to provide more details or files as required

running these Loggernet Versions

Module Name Version Date/Time File Path
AVW2xx_DevConf.exe Not available 29/10/2010 5:13:00 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\DevConfig\AVW2xx_DevConf.exe
CalWizard.exe 6/11/2014 3:44:26 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CalWizard\CalWizard.exe
CardConvert.exe 23/07/2013 10:25:54 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CardConvert\CardConvert.exe
cdt.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\cdt.dll
ConnectScreen.exe 6/11/2014 3:46:58 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\ConnectScreen.exe
CONVERT.EXE Not available 15/09/2004 2:09:36 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\CONVERT.EXE
coralib3.dll 26/11/2014 10:10:42 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\coralib3.dll
coralib3d.dll 26/11/2014 10:10:58 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\DevConfig\coralib3d.dll
cora_cmd.exe 24/10/2014 6:26:12 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\cora_cmd.exe
CRBasicEditor.exe 6/11/2014 3:44:12 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CRBasicEditor\CRBasicEditor.exe
CSI.DB.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\CSI.DB.dll
CSI.DB.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\CSI.DB.dll
CSI.Forms.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\CSI.Forms.dll
CSI.Tools.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:30 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\CSI.Tools.dll
CSI.Tools.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:30 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\CSI.Tools.dll
CSI16COM.DLL Not available 2/08/2004 1:48:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\CSI16COM.DLL
CsiBrokerMap.dll 27/05/2015 1:13:14 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\CsiBrokerMap.dll
CsiDataSource.dll 27/05/2015 1:14:40 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\CsiDataSource.dll
csidft.dll 14/06/2013 9:21:42 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\csidft.dll
csidft.dll 14/06/2013 9:21:42 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\View Pro\csidft.dll
csidft.dll 25/03/2015 1:19:18 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\csidft.dll
csidft.dll 14/06/2013 9:21:42 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SplitW\csidft.dll
CsiFTP.exe 2/12/2010 5:20:54 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\CsiFTP.exe
csilgrnet.exe 15/10/2014 2:35:52 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\csilgrnet.exe
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 10:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CardConvert\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LogTool\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SCWin\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SplitW\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CalWizard\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\View Pro\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 16/11/2010 9:28:42 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\DataFiler\CsiTypes.dll
CsiTypes.dll 14/06/2013 9:22:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CRBasicEditor\CsiTypes.dll
csi_dbc.dll 17/02/2015 2:20:54 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\csi_dbc.dll
curl.exe 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\curl.exe
DataExport.exe 6/11/2014 3:46:34 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\DataExport.exe
DataFiler.exe 6/11/2014 3:46:30 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\DataFiler\DataFiler.exe
DBExport.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:48 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\DBExport.exe
DBImport.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:48 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\DBImport.exe
DelSvc.exe Not available 7/06/2005 3:23:24 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\DelSvc.exe
devconfig.exe 6/11/2014 11:38:04 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\DevConfig\devconfig.exe
DOC2CSI.EXE Not available 12/09/2001 1:07:42 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\EdlogW\DOC2CSI.EXE
dot.exe Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\dot.exe
EdlogW.exe 24/08/2009 11:02:58 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\EdlogW\EdlogW.exe
graph.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\graph.dll
gvc.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvc.dll
gvplugin_core.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvplugin_core.dll
gvplugin_dot_layout.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvplugin_dot_layout.dll
gvplugin_gd.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvplugin_gd.dll
gvplugin_gdiplus.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvplugin_gdiplus.dll
gvplugin_neato_layout.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvplugin_neato_layout.dll
gvplugin_pango.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\gvplugin_pango.dll
help_cmd.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:50 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\help_cmd.exe
holemon.exe 15/10/2014 2:37:54 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\holemon.exe
iconv.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\iconv.dll
Interop.CSIBROKERMAPLib.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\Interop.CSIBROKERMAPLib.dll
Interop.CSIDATASOURCELib.dll 29/05/2015 1:52:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\Interop.CSIDATASOURCELib.dll
intl.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\intl.dll
iProfessionalLibrary.ocx 17/02/2006 2:41:02 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\iProfessionalLibrary.ocx
isAnalogLibrary.ocx 17/02/2006 2:41:16 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\isAnalogLibrary.ocx
isDigitalLibrary.ocx 17/02/2006 2:41:22 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\isDigitalLibrary.ocx
jpeg62.dll 6.2.1473.36469 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\jpeg62.dll
ldep_server2.exe 15/10/2014 2:37:36 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\ldep_server2.exe
ldmp_server2.exe 15/10/2014 2:36:06 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\ldmp_server2.exe
libcairo-2.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libcairo-2.dll
libcurl.dll 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\libcurl.dll
libeay32.dll Not available 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\libeay32.dll
libexpat.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libexpat.dll
libfontconfig-1.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libfontconfig-1.dll
libfreetype-6.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libfreetype-6.dll
libglib-2.0-0.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libglib-2.0-0.dll
libgmodule-2.0-0.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libgmodule-2.0-0.dll
libgobject-2.0-0.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libgobject-2.0-0.dll
libidn-11.dll Not available 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\libidn-11.dll
libpango-1.0-0.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libpango-1.0-0.dll
libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll
libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll
libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll
libpng12.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libpng12.dll
libssh2.dll 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\libssh2.dll
libssl32.dll Not available 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\libssl32.dll
libxml2.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\libxml2.dll
LNBackup.exe 6/11/2014 3:47:16 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\LNBackup.exe
LNCmd.exe Not available 6/11/2014 3:47:18 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\LNCmd.exe
LNDBEngine.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:50 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\LNDBEngine.exe
LNDBManager.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:50 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\LNDBManager.exe
LNDBServiceManager.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:52 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LNDB\LNDBServiceManager.exe
LNServerMon.exe 21/08/2009 2:02:22 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\LNServerMon.exe
LoggerNetService.exe 11/11/2014 10:35:08 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\LoggerNetService.exe
logmon.exe Not available 15/10/2014 2:37:06 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\logmon.exe
LogTool.exe 6/11/2014 3:44:30 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LogTool\LogTool.exe
logview.exe 15/10/2014 2:37:30 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\logview.exe
Lpng.dll Not available 15/12/1999 9:16:06 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\Lpng.dll
ltdl.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\ltdl.dll
network_planner.exe 14/10/2014 10:57:30 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\NetworkPlanner\network_planner.exe
openssl-libeay32.dll 19/04/2010 5:13:32 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\openssl-libeay32.dll
openssl-ssleay32.dll 19/04/2010 5:13:46 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\openssl-ssleay32.dll
PakBusGraph.exe 14/10/2014 10:58:06 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\PakBusGraph.exe
Pathplan.dll Not available 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\Pathplan.dll
PEGRP32C.DLL 22/02/2010 10:32:50 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\PEGRP32C.DLL
QuickReports.exe 4/06/2015 1:40:32 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\QuickReports.exe
ReportGenerator.exe 29/05/2015 2:25:54 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\ReportGenerator.exe
RTMC_Development.exe 17/11/2014 3:16:26 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\RTMC_Development.exe
RTMC_Run-time.exe 17/11/2014 3:21:22 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\RTMC_Run-time.exe
rwis-admin.exe 16/10/2014 8:12:24 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\rwis-admin.exe
SciLexer_RTMC.dll 23/09/2014 12:03:20 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\SciLexer_RTMC.dll
SCWIN.EXE 6/11/2014 3:44:54 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SCWin\SCWIN.EXE
SecurityManager.exe 6/11/2014 3:46:38 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\SecurityManager.exe
ServiceManager.exe 26/11/2014 11:56:18 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\ServiceManager.exe
settings_editor.exe 14/10/2014 10:57:50 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\settings_editor.exe
SetupScreen.exe 6/11/2014 3:47:06 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\SetupScreen.exe
SPLITR.exe 23/07/2013 10:25:56 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SplitW\SPLITR.exe
SPLITR.exe 23/07/2013 10:25:56 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\SPLITR.exe
SPLITW.exe 23/07/2013 10:25:58 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SplitW\SPLITW.exe
StatusMonitor.exe 6/11/2014 3:47:12 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\StatusMonitor.exe
tablemon2.exe Not available 15/10/2014 2:36:46 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\tablemon2.exe
TaskMaster.exe 6/11/2014 3:46:48 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\TaskMaster.exe
TeeChart8.ocx 21/10/2009 9:07:56 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\TeeChart8.ocx
TMEngine.exe 2/12/2010 5:19:46 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\TMEngine.exe
toa_to_tob1.exe 15/10/2014 2:37:40 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\toa_to_tob1.exe
tob2_tools.dll 15/10/2014 2:38:40 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\CardConvert\tob2_tools.dll
tob32.exe Not available 31/01/2007 2:10:08 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\DataFiler\tob32.exe
tob32.exe Not available 31/01/2007 2:10:08 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\tob32.exe
toolbar.exe 26/11/2014 11:56:22 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\toolbar.exe
Trace.exe 27/02/2004 2:00:38 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\Trace.exe
Transformer.exe 24/08/2009 10:56:34 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\Transformer.exe
Troubleshooter.exe 6/11/2014 3:46:44 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\Troubleshooter.exe
View_Pro.exe 6/11/2014 3:44:20 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\View Pro\View_Pro.exe
zip.exe Not available 16/09/2014 12:01:04 p.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\zip.exe
zlib1.dll 27/01/2010 2:12:16 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PakBusGraph\zlib1.dll
zlib1.dll 16/08/2010 4:36:44 a.m. C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\RTMC\zlib1.dll

PPeters Oct 13, 2015 10:31 PM

As a secondary issue....
what is the best way to clean out the loggernet cache?

I tried deleting all the SQL tables
deleting the bin files
then restored loggernet from a backup with cache data

the sql database after wards only has recent data since the backup but the loggernet backup with cache if repeated is 600MB? 5Mb with out cache

wondering if I need pre-emptive maintance to avoid the corruption i am getting by nuking the cache every month but need a solid and easy clean restore option


aparkinson Oct 15, 2015 09:37 PM

I was able to see the error from with the database backup that you provided. I took the LoggerNet Backup provided and recreated the database (a new database) from the LoggerNet cache. This did not produce an error. Therefore, it looks as if the LoggerNet cache provided does not have an error.

When you repopulated the database from the LoggerNet, did you delete the previous database data or did the previous data (with errors) exist in the database?

With the backups provided the logs from LNDB were not provided, therefore I cannot see the point of insertion where the error(s) occurred. Could you provide the LNDB logs that would correspond to the errors?


PPeters Oct 16, 2015 02:37 AM


I dont think the issue is in the cache as I had the same experience you had.. I cleared all the data from the sql database then let LNDB repopulate and this populated clean data.
The initial repopulation loaded further corrupted data with year 2138 (or similar) time stamp. i included an sql backup with this data set as reference

Sorry about the logs. Included the loggerNet but forgot the LNDB
loaded here


This is the sequence of events I followed

To recover data
1) Snap shot of VMserver taken
2) Copy of SQL database
3) Pause collection
4) Backup Loggernet, Full and no cache
5) Delete tables from SQL database
6) copy Loggernet logs and Sys files
7) SQL database repopulated from cache
SQL database corrupted with Error in timestamp,backup of SQL datase, deleted SQLdata tables, repopulate from cache. checked and ok

8) parked an hts file from the loggernet SQL dsn past 14 days, clean record

To Clear LoggerNet cache
9) delete tables from SQL Database
10)delete bin files from Loggernet sys
11)restore Loggernet from no cache backup

thanks for the help

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