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A 50 minutes average every hour?

MFErwan May 26, 2015 08:06 AM


Here is my problem. I a using a CR3000 to measure different kinds of radiation (in visible light and IR), for Météo-France (the french equivalent of the Met Office).

I wrote the program to measure the radiation every 5 seconds.

Now my problem is when I want to calculate the hourly average.

Since the sensors are in the Alps, they are cleaned from the snow every hour thanks to a hot air ventilator.

Therefore the last 10 minutes shouldn't be taken into account when caculating the average.

In short: I want to have a DataTable with a 60 minutes Data interval, but the AverageRadiation data should only be calculate on the 50 first minutes.

Here is my code for now:

DataTable (Donnees,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,60,Min,10)
'Here is where I would like to compute the
'50 minutes average, from minute 0 to 50

Scan (5,Sec,0,0)
'Here you have the program that is making
'the measurements, the results are stored
'in the Rayonnement_Vis_Inc,
'Rayonnement_IR_Ref variables

CallTable Donnees

The AvgSpa seemed ok for that, (swath would have been 600 (one measurement every 5s during 50 minutes)) but it must appear between the Scan...NextScan instructions...

* Last updated by: MFErwan on 5/26/2015 @ 2:10 AM *

aps May 26, 2015 10:08 AM

Have a look at this bit of code which shows how to use the disable variable to stop values being included in statistical calculations. Note I changed the intervals to sec to allow quicker testing:

Public Radiation, donotprocess As Boolean

DataTable (Donnees,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,60,sec,10)
Average (1,Radiation,IEEE4,donotprocess)
Totalize (1,1,IEEE4,donotprocess)

'Here is where I would like to compute the
'50 minutes average, from minute 0 to 50

Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
'With logger firmware version OS28 on
donotprocess=TimeIsBetween (50,60,60,sec)
'Or with older operating systems
' If TimeIntoInterval (50, 60 sec) Then dontoprocess=true
' If TimeIntoInterval (0,60,sec) Then donotprocess=false

CallTable Donnees


* Last updated by: aps on 5/26/2015 @ 7:20 AM *

MFErwan May 26, 2015 01:13 PM

Thank you vey much, it is working correctly now.

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