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Number of JPG files in CF card

smile Apr 14, 2015 01:30 PM


I would like to know if there is a limit as size or number of files to use the CRD drive with JPG photos. In our system seems to occur blocks and many problems overcoming about 300 *.jpg files. I'm no expert but the problem is inherent in the formatting FAT/FAT32?

Many thanks


JDavis Apr 14, 2015 10:33 PM

The limit of number of files is inherent in the file management of the datalogger.

The maximum file size is 2GB.

jtrauntvein Apr 14, 2015 10:46 PM

The data logger maintains all files stored on the card in its root directory. If the card is formatted for fat16, the maximum number of files that can be stored is 512. Fat32 does not have any such limitation so the number of files that can be stored is limited by the amount of space on the card. The card will be able to store fewer files with long names than it can store files with short names.

smile Apr 15, 2015 04:18 PM


thanks for the information.

Sorry I should specify that we are talking about a CR1000 with NL115 and a 2Gb CF card, original from Campbell.
An IPcam through an Ethernet connection and router send FTP, images files to CRD: drive (about 400Kb each).
Honestly I did not clear the response of JDavis, at this phase the CR1000 no applies procedure on files. In the future, after these tests, the CR1000 rename files and sends them to an FTP server.

In the CR1000 manual I found a table (Table 82. File System Error Codes) interesting to see where it generates the problem, but I do not understand where read these error codes.

I have to check if CF cards are formatted FAT32 and test if the short names of files eliminate the problem, but what I would like to solve is to increase the space used in the CF card, for greater autonomy in the field.

If I not mistaken 300 files of about 500K each photo (for simplicity of calculation) are about 150 Mb, and so with only a tenth, approximately, of space used, the system hangs and becomes unmanageable.

Many thanks



smile Apr 18, 2015 07:29 AM


Someone who knows, please may respond.

Unfortunately I have a bit of urgency.



* Last updated by: smile on 4/18/2015 @ 3:14 AM *

JDavis Apr 20, 2015 08:19 PM

To reach the 512 files with FAT16 that jtrautvein mentioned, you will have to keep file names to 8 characters plus 3 for the extension.

The limitations are looser on FAT32. The maximum file count is >65,000. As with FAT16, the maximum number of files is reduced by long file names.

jtrauntvein Apr 20, 2015 09:18 PM

You should also realise that, the more files are on a device (CPU, CRD, or USR), the longer it is going to take both the datalogger and LoggerNet to deal with the file system. Things like getting file listings from the datalogger can stretch out to sometimes unacceptable times depending upon the number of files in the file system.

smile Apr 22, 2015 02:33 PM

Thanks again


JDavis Apr 22, 2015 06:30 PM

I tested with a simple datalogger program that created empty files on the card. I used a CR6 with a 2GB card for testing.

I successfully created over 13,000 files. As mentioned, things slowed down as more files were created. When it reached around 8,000 files it took more than 1 second to create a file.

I used a CR1000KD to stop the running program. With the program stopped, it took 3+minutes for File Control to load the list of files on the logger.

Note that a CR6 is much faster at file access than a CR1000.

With a FAT32 formatted card, you will reach unacceptable speed before you hit the file limit.

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