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RTMC function IIF

Otemohu Feb 20, 2015 05:02 PM

Hi all,

Do you know if it is possible to use the conditional expression IIF(x,y,z) in a chart to allow for no displaying erroneous data. Here is the website with data monitoring: www.barbeau.u-psud.fr/realtime.html

I have a chart of wind speed from Gill 2D. Sometimes, there is fog, the sonic path is interrupted and the wind speed is like 3500 km/h!?! I record the diagnostics of the sonic anemometer and can so filter the data.

I've tried to do insert the IIF expression in a chart and it does not work.

An idea?


* Last updated by: Otemohu on 2/20/2015 @ 10:04 AM *

tmecham Feb 20, 2015 07:42 PM

Try something like this,

Alias(WindSpeed,"Server:CR1000.SECOND.wind_mps"); iif(windspeed < 999, windspeed, NOPLOT)

Otemohu Feb 21, 2015 05:28 PM

I've tried and it is working if I'm using the same variable for condition and true value as you tested.
Actually I'm trying to test a variable (windspeed) with winspeed diagnostics located in another table and it does not work like this.

Example I've tested here:
IIF("Server:CR1000.WSDiag.Smpls" = 60,"Server:CR1000.WSWD.WS_Avg",NOPLOT)

tmecham Feb 23, 2015 07:06 PM

Try using ValueSynch.


IIF(test = 60, val, NOPLOT)

From the Help:
The ValueSynch function can be used to synchronize data values coming from multiple data sources so that you can display the results of a calculation on those data values in a single component.

Otemohu Feb 24, 2015 03:42 PM

It's OK now with valuesynch function, thank you.

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