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Does anybody have experience with communications with leaky feeder systems

Kerg Jan 30, 2015 02:03 PM

I am looking to integrate our measurement systems with leaky feeder architectures. We already install stations with the their own RS-485 cabling, but this severely limits us in several applications.

In the case where IP over leaky feeder is available, integration of our autonomous measurement stations, by combining a CR1000 with a NL240 and addressing it directly through its IP address, is fairly straightforward.

However, I am less sure of the procedure to follow for leaky feeders systems in which serial is supported over the leaky feeder cable.

I would assume that we would need a RF500M modem radio to communicate directly with the leaky feeder. Also, I am unsure how the serial addressing will be managed since our devices will be far from the only one using the leaky feeder. I assume one way communications only would be possible (from the station to the base station and not the other way around?)

In short, does anyone have experience with this kind of application that could be shared?

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