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schedule Loggernet remote

heiko Jan 20, 2015 07:57 AM

Our server with the Linux client for data gathering has crashed. I have now relaunched him and the config reasonably can be restored.
I have the following problem:
I have the schedule initially set so that all data and the last ( for example, 1000 data points) are fetched from the stations .
If I have set the schedule back to "Data since last collection", the download starts again from the first record that is stored on the Logger.

How do I make the settings again to make the download of a given date , for example, yesterday to start again ?

I already had changed the base time in Logegrnet-remote (eg. 01/19/2014 10am ), but the download will start in this setting before this date!

so long Heiko

jtrauntvein Jan 20, 2015 11:32 PM

The base data/time used for scheduled collection governs the starting time and offset when LoggerNet will poll the datalogger for data and does not have any bearing on the data that is collected. If you want to limit the data that can be collected, you need to do so on a per-table basis. By default, LoggerNet is set up to collect all data in a table if it encounters a "first poll" scenario for that table. If you don't want the entire table collected, you can limit the number of records to collect by unchecking "Collect all on first collection" for that table and entering the number of records that you want to collect in this instance. Note that this will only affect the data collected in a first poll condition. At other times, LoggerNet will collect all data logged since the last poll.

Another alternative is to set the collect mode to "Collect at Most" and specify the maximum number of records that you want to collect in any poll.

You can set the default values for all of these settings in LoggerNet 4.3 by accessing "LoggerNet Server Settings" from the "Tools" menu of the setup screen. This dialogue also provides tools that will allow you to apply the defaults to existing stations/tables.

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